Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 ʻApelila 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


MONDAY, APRIC 21, 1873. Tue week opens with Us usual quietuess in business ch*cles, i:he %veather seeming also to panake of its dull nature, The wharves present a- little activity, whieh is cheeririg } especia|ty a!oDg the esplanade. Oui- foreign *uTival sinee issue hasj heen the whaleahip Jireh Perry\ Owen, from Laliaīna, witli 300 l)arrels «peim oil her sprmg catch. This i« now being crischarged, aHd wlll be shipped heme per hark Edwitu . AQiertcan schooner Gen, Hamei/ sails to-day on her trading voyage to thc Ai"ctic. American barkentine Jane A, Falkinburg awaits lheari*ival of the Mary Foster, and expects to get off to-morrow ibr Portland. She has been considerably delayed in her loading by t!te interruption to the coasting trade on aeeounl of bad weather. Hawaiian wha!iug brig Ona'ar ( / has l>een purehased by Jas. I. Powsett, and will shoi'tly be put in eeniee, afUr her rest of neai h' four years. The real estate at Kalihi, adverlised for auction sale on Saturday lafit, we learn changed hands at private sale for $400. The lot contains about ten aml oue-half acren. Phip Coringa, Ropes, is having a !oog passage from J3oatOiij beiug now 136 days out. BVMiUARY OF RGCKIPTt9 OF DOMESTIC PRODUCĒ FOR THE WEEK ENDING APUIL 19. nananae, bnchs. 12 Molasses, bbls... 85 ttutter, kegs* .. 4;Mules, N0............. 3 Cktfele, head......... 63; Oniona, nets.. 27 Fungu%baleg.....V. - 2 s Paddy ? bag5.......,. 444 Fowls, doz.. 2£j Potatoes, bags., 12 Goat Skins, pc5..«,,... 50!Rice, bags. 211 llogs,'Na. 45|Susar, kegs. 4,t95 Hides, pe»,....... 166; bags. 1,154 llorses, No.9;Tallow, bbls. 44 fjeather, r0115,.23j Wood, cords..St