Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 ʻApelila 1873 — Congratulations. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tfoe President of the Ūnited States īn aa auu-' graj>li letter, dated March 6, 1873, congratuiatcHiB i MajeBty upon liia to the linon.:, aud the signa! proof oi" tbe eonMeoee repotH?d in bim| by the peoplo, and espre6ses his siuccve dcjsire|that Uie relatious o|f friendfihip wLieh lu\i_ hitherto subsisted heiweeu tlie United Statc« aia. the Hawaiiau Isl;\nds (|iot kingdoiu) &hall un- ! tinub undisturbed. Tp whieh Uw Alayo*ty jthro|ugh the U. S. Miuker Kesidont reiive ic- ! plies that it is " hiss!ncefcdesire ihe irienui\ I rclnHoi\e wliieh have so l|ong liet\veen tin | Govirninent of tlie Greak Kepuhlie, and iuy (Uīk | own little Kingdouiroay be j*rpctu;d.''' ! H' B MajcBty,congralji!ates the Pn&iueiu u|vi; ! I,is + «-«k^Uon lo the %hest o6kc iu the g»t o: i the People." 1 1„_ i