Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 April 1873 — A Joint Stock Industrial Association. [ARTICLE]
A Joint Stock Industrial Association.
, We tried twicc <»ii «jrice wlth a coDipuii k v j.of and a sccjn{l timc with a C'jmpany yf j farc|igriers, and mcfc witb d'ua?k-r in both cacct. j drow upon us tLe moet of thc okk»rjuy an'l i gossip under whieh have tfufFere'f, *iUv:c \vI have beeo in these islan<js, in eoDScqucnoc of , cijierimeuts ; —and yct.tjhey wcre both good and j fcut|ible experiwentā # ans ought to liavefc;ucccc<led, jif men had been faifchfu|, to aUMI by :Lc unuei > | taking to the last; and jiad noe \>txn demoraiized j by fclie misrepresentatioi|s of eutciat ioaiers, whu j do *iot want any ventuije in these islands to sucI We would try an eiperiment agaii>, I if we could go to wme indusrrious community oi' iEuijope, say to whusc people wor,k j small rcturn, aifd engagc thcm for a tcriu j of and then 6hip,them dircct to tbcir new j hoii^e; so'that they would know nothing of Calij fornia and ite high and esfciavagant especta» j iior|s; and nothing of disheartening gossip uf i idlers, and do nothings ip Ilonolulu. L|et an ignorant sailor meet with a lisfct|uer, and one thafc |helps hiin with aa cviL word, and see what stor|ies he wiil tell you ahuu t his phip and eaptain; so a kanaka that ha* had| any engagemenfc you, will be āuent iu j talking about kis pohq f or losses, if he meetfS j with your enemy, and that is the reason we have j sufiered so mueh in of ourgetting up a jojlnt stock induetrial ajSsociation, We wiii give fche |>articulars of this and other association at our| leiaure, and eliow why they failcd, aiul'how med who wou!d*hot do tbcir duty in theso enieii j priefcs haveoriginatedall'thegossip now puuliMKU | in t!ie Organ of 'All Saints.