Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 ʻApelila 1873 — The Nuhou [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Nuhou

| Is growing in gracc, and in favor whh the pub- j i lie afc everj issue. You would tbink so, if you i J iiaii notioed the demand for it iasfc Friday morn-' ing. There was an eager enquiry 111 the strcefc,j long before the regular hour for its issue; aad a' general anxiety to know if the Shepherd had? <4 goneior him, ? - And when they eaw that hei ha.d there was a hroad grin all over! town; beeause people would nofc \vait to read tiie' paper ut honie; but over ifc, as tliey' \valked the Bfcreets. ! I W e feel eneoiiraged to stand by the Nuiiou. | Our brother of the Organ of 'All Saiutc< has! helped us m mueh that we eannot think of giving | ife up at the end of the quarter, No, we now an-1 nounw our detcrmination to keep on for mauy Biore quartere. We eommeneed thc Nnioi ibr' pleaBoro, but now we shaU make a of it, j It ig an «asy jj> ljr We ain write up the whole of the httk ēheet in a day; uud if we gofc! enough of eneouragomuit would issue ifc tri- j weekly. What do you &\y to Uiat? A tri-weekly j Wocangoit; if you willgo it.

lloii.L AuuivM 4 a.—Siue<f Aptil 8th f George W,i lViifoug, Wailuku; Mrs.! C. B. Robiosoa t Miss| Guy t J. Meii, Binohur, Robmsou % Maka-| weli, Ku-uai; Ca;U. L. C. Owen aud wi!o» ship Jirch P<ri /, Aug. Ivxsc, eitv; WuM. Mullor J |lvauai; l>ir<i, l>liu?>ui p h Jl. l'nm* !lan\ | Maui ! |