Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 ʻApelila 1873 — "A Rattle Brained Organ." [ARTICLE]
"A Rattle Brained Organ."
j TiiaL'b \vbat thc old Advcrliser e&lleū thc 1>1J; | Gazeltp in 1807, because as allcged by tbc A<īmr- \ | tiser the Gazette dißparaged tlie negotiatipri of tbe,j | Eeciprocifcj Treaty. In 6peaking of tbis It said : j | " Not one of them (referring to Mr. de Varigny, j j we believe, and editor of Gazette) could have ; j framed,a Treaty half so likely to sueeeed or meet j the aeceptaneo of tbc Auieriean Governiuent aud ' | people." * * If the Treaty is Buecessful, | j the gentlemen (C. C. HarriB, Dr. Smith and j s others) who have been engaged in framing it, will j I deserve a life peneion," &e. Later in 1869 itj saysi "Mr./Walfcer M. Gibson, our Assi6tant j Charge d'A ffairis, is manipulating it (tbe Treatj) through the New York papers with consummatej address ( " And now the Gazette of tbis daj, ! commoply known as the Organ of All Saiots, | whieh is edited by the same man who edited the| oldyl(/t-er/escr, says on last Wcdneeday, the 10tb , inst. that they who know his (the cditor'e) een-; tlments, know thafc £he chief reasons for the " failure of the Treaty,- J were besides " inadcquate Reciprocity on our part, the still more unfortunate selection of the agēnts of this Governj ment at Washington, inelucfing Mr. Walter M. j Gibson, who went'there withoufc offieial authority, | and probably did more to defeat it than any other j man though he may nofc think 50. ,? Kow in view jof this elear stafcement of faets w r e want to know j w T hether tbe old or the new Qazette should be fityled thc u Rattle BraiDed Organ !' ? By the way, Mr. Gibson was not an 4 4 Assistant j Oharge d'Affaires, M although he may bave as-| | sisted the CLarge, lle hekl a commission as | Commereial Agent for this Governmenfc at Singa- ! pore, and he held a lefcter of instructions, whieh empowered liim to negotiate treaties.with.the native Princes of South Eastern Asia in reference to the emigration of their people to the Ilawaiian slelande; and thushe had powers to trcat Yirtualiy as a Commissioner of Emigration.