Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 April 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
: * The Sroum*o Caye qf Kaala.—We are gony to defer the coiitinuation of tble legeud illl our nest imie. We are paitieularly gmtified wiili fcbe of appro\ \l wliieh it ha& Ci\lled fortb. Wlieu it is conekidod, \ve hope to prcseut our readere with other | iuterestiug legends aikl storicß of these aud other Paeiiie idaude. (gp Our Bohemiau tliat the secret cause of the fass between our Shephērd aud our brother of tbe Organ of '■All Sa|nt« ie that both are aepirants for a portWio, 'aud he thiuks that the M biggoet toady in the -puddlc " ought to wiiu He ls also of opmiou j:hat it would be iuore profifcable fLr l)Otli io pay more atteutiou to their i legitimato busiues^; the oue to hU sshcep t as j wooi is lmkmg up f the other to the s?ale of pftper, aud wax, paeka£cs of fundamental I paper and sueli like knieimek*. |
I|-;— : i r~ Capt. "\VilifoDg | of. Wailuku, and Thc»s» Everett s Eeq.:, of Waikapu, arri?ed per Ka Moi. / i —i —- ! gSTTheßaiid wiil ylaj fco-morrow aā^moon afc 5 o'eloek, following is the programine : Gaibbrinus March r. ..ZikpflT Air, FaK5tafT.......... .Ba3fe Funeral March, by request.. Chopin Q,uacfrilie. # „ 3R C rger Duftto ? Opera~Cosi faia tutte.. Mozart Libussa Polka Mazurka i............... .Z!k(i>jr Sale of TTool.~We, understand ihat the elip frob ihe raneh of Hīs !ate Majesty ci>3lclokal, has been sold for 14 cents. The retums for thia jear's elip, will probably not fall behind the amount received last year on aeeouul of increagc in |quantitj, not\viftistanding eome decline {n pribe. We notice some improvement in strcugt,h of etaple on aeeount of continueJ good pasturc alljthe ycar past. | ff" Kimo Kamai, wlio ebot at Dr. Trousscau, t tried to ehoot Marelial Parte, waa acquitted on \Yednesday, on tbe plea of insanity, wbcthti " einoiional "or not, we do not learn. But possib|y ae it was necessary to remaud bim to tbe bospital «8 a leper suepect, wliieh has beea dont, |t was not worth whije to conTict him of an ofFence Rpd etill have tp send him to the leper liospital. W e necd a peparate plaee of confinemept for eriminal lepers. Ilowevcr, leprofcj is enough to iuru any man crazj, and mucb allowan«fe ought to be made, for one ia thi6 l-.omhle condition pf deai|b. Entkrtaiment. —Mr., Demorest's elocutionaij performanee and eharaptcr deliccation last Mondaj eveuiug, at wdlattcnded. l'hp eloe&tionarj powers of yoimg Demorest oxgeneral eurpriee iu view of his jouthfuluess. " Deatb Doomed " was wamly encorcd, asd " ShamuB o"Brien," was finelj- rcudercd. iiio eoipio eong aud ieciuition of the •• 01d Miui apd Wife," as aleo " Put suited the back ama4Īuglj. The amateur who assistcd iu Irij»b deline«tiou is evidcntlj to tbe Lrogue and " jjianner born," aud tbe houso roar wi:b apjikuso. '4>ut we agīee witli a prettj geueral opinion exp«ssed that| Mr. Demore6t, wbo d»sdeoided geuius, would do bctter t<v wit!i tbe assistaucc of tlw amateur faroe. verj well' in iu w.\j aud capitaiij ; but whieh has uie effcct to <lruw &ttcmijju !ns fiuer and artīstic renlcriugs. As for iaManw* it would be diScuit for us to apprecĪ4to thc ox>piis!tc TX\iliiatiju of a Xiilsoa or a Luau if ]ilawd in juxtaj_vsitiou tbc same c\ciiug wl'.li : thc' brosd f;irce cf a dac.ce Mr. Deinort>st lalone is wc!l wcrlh Tisit. Go and hear lum I nc:tt Saturday. | .