Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 ʻApelila 1873 — PASSENGERS. [ARTICLE]
From Tahiti—Per Wm.H. Allen, Aprj! 15th—Miss Houfiliton, Mrs Bums, Chas \Vilson, and 4 Chinese. For Lahaina—Per Nettie Merrill, April 15th—Mr and Mrs Atwater, Judge Fomander, J W Girvin. For Kauai —Per Kilauea, April 16th—Mrs Isenberg and 1 child, Mis» Anua Rlce, V Knudsen» and 35 deck. Fon Koloa—Per Jenny, Apiil 16th—Dr ?mith. Wni Heine, and 20 deek;