Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 April 1873 — Money at Three per Cent. [ARTICLE]

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Money at Three per Cent.

'W'e, have converscd with 6cveral \rüalifui gentlomen, eviden% of emin6iit purition in the who a£sufe ug tbat loans ean he eftected at as low a rate of interest ag above; but very readily at four per eent. Now could we not venture on a loan at three or four per eent? or would it dieturb too uiueh certain loaning interests? j lt certainly wouM not disturb the planters to borrow money afc eay ilve or eis per cent. They eould pay such ratea, even under preeent dkadvantages. We think \ve eould ofler very eati6factory eeeurity; and a loan of one million of dollar&, or more at three or four per een t,, could eer«tainly find an opportuniiy fbr 6atiefactoiy remunerative in these islands,

Xhere wae a lively demand for the Nuiiou yeßterday, and many went away disappointed when j reminded that it was Thur6day and not Friday, the day of ieeue, They all said they wanted to see the " fur What an amiaole euriosity for a fight. Blessed are they who make I the u fur fly," because they please an idle generj ation waiting for eoQiething to turn up. > The Mormons or Latter Bay Saints.—We propose to gfve from time to time eome particulars conccrning this remarkable people, acquired during our acquaintauce wlth them. We have often intended to do eo, and preeent diseussions in relation to the sub]eet will make eueh publication intcresting. We have to remember great kindness and hospital Uy at tlieif hands.