Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 ʻApelila 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
TBURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1873. Owmo to Ih-e i!epartures an(T arrivals of \vhalers during the week, our clty front ,has preseiiīed a little livelier appearance, bjst the supplies therefor have been meagre, thelr requirements being b&t / Sinc#our lafs,t we have to note tlie arnval of the Tahitian paekei Wjn. H. Allen, witli 60 cords of fire-vvoocl, whieh eomes to & good market 5 as that commodity has beeu searee of late, ancVhas been held at $15tfz>16 per cord, Also, the Britisli bark SparrotvhA-—former]y ia tli« naval gefviee—Oalhoun, ti'om in dUstress, en route for Melbourne, Whaiing luirk Louisa arrived off the port this moming from a cruise, via Ililo: reports the Nortkern Light at that port witU 80 barrels gperm, atid would be here in a few days« Bark Eāwin commences to-dav to load oil for New Bedford > there not being su£!icient inducements offering for Bydney« The auction sales for the week have been fairly attended, and although the extensive credit sale ilisplayed a tempting assortment of staple goods, thē prices realized vrere far from satisfactorj% C. S. Bartow worried through a miscellaneous colleetion of sundries at his auction room to-day» The late high winds and uusettled weather is interfering again with thc regularity ol our coasters, Dii Tuesday severai vessels were delaycd, and some that had sailcd returned to port 5 vesterday the schooner Mary Eīien eame in frōm Kohala, having been obliged lo leave there on account of the saine. This haa also delayed the loading of the Jane A. Faīkinl>uvg % now; nearly completed. She awaits ihe arrlval of the Activc aud Mary Foster.