Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 April 1873 — "It is a Dirty Bird that Fouls its own Nest." [ARTICLE]

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"It is a Dirty Bird that Fouls its own Nest."

"W'o t-houghfc so, when looking over the former paper, the P« C. -A,. of our brofcher of the organ of ? All Saints, and m reading an aecount 'of the family of Brigham Young we saw this statemcnt: Amelia Partridgo is of a sweefc di6positiou, and not jealous, when he (Brigham Young) turns his attentiou to the other ctmcuhi?us." That is the word in your own paper, brothex% AVe doivt deal with hearsay and imagination as you do. 44 Ifc is no dishonor," you say, " to be connected with Brigham Young by the marriage relat-ions, ?? nor do we say it Is,'but why did you allow your cousin to be called a " eoneuhine " in your own paper? Fie upon you, brother. •Hotel. Arri7ais. —R. F. Bickertou, J. W. Wildcr, Oahu; Capt. W. H. Koon and wife, Hekn Mar; J. W. Girwin, Lahaina; T. May,| J. W. Smithiee; Uity; 11. Clay Dcmoreefc, New York ; Wi A. Littie, J. J. Talbot, U. S-"B. Cah-1 jornid; Capt, F» S. Kedfield, Hdmcy; Capt. J HalleU, Lnlu ; Cāpt. G. F. Long, Joscphme. ! Goats,—Our Shepherd objects to some whieh browsē 6n the slopcs of Punehhowl, and thinks if J they did not incessantly tramp and fecd ovcr it» a little vcrdure might occaeionally takc hold on the ueual brown surlacc aud imparfc to it a somewhafci more inviting appcaraae¥. Thc Shcpherd is earn-| ostly Bolicitcd to return to his flocks on Lanai; but thcy are peaeeāii, bcing all eheep; and he thinks that his iloek of fchis plaee haa grcater necd ot his carc, bccause it contains such a largc quautity of goats whieh ought to be scparatt\L Thc goate dibturb his othcr pcaccful, aud gcntlō stock. Just Whc\\ to tbe bicthcr of the Bi Ily uh —uh — be! i — ))oh —fu fu t — wi— mni—<v. o^. ( . j