Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 April 1873 — "Condition and Prospect of Affairs in the Sandwich Islands" [ARTICLE]
"Condition and Prospect of Affairs in the Sandwich Islands"
|Fiom tlie New Yoik HeraW.] I
We notice a Btafcement wliicb speaks of a ft brochure juBt pubiished in Honolulu by Capt, Waltor M. Gibsori, eo well known to the rcaders of t!ie Bcraīd, from 1853 to 1857, for hls imprjV onmenl in Java, aiid hia elaim againßt the T)iuoh; ulso lbr iiin eeheme of cyiigrafcing thc the Island of New Ouinea, whieli would have been earried out, and woukl have rid the United Hhites of a troublesome question but for the obetinaey of President Buchauan, Ile claims, and hie friends elaim for him, a most influential part in bringing about the recēnt election of King Lunalilo; but the old missionary clique got the inside of the track after the battlc \vas ended." * # " The new King in an interesting nian with a taste for literature. Xhere was certainly an oppoftunity for republicanieni wlien the late King died,—if an American man-of-war had been there at the time, * * Publie opinion eonccntrated upon King Lunalilo on aecount of Ilis democratic tendencieB. # * The annesationists hope a great deal from Kiug Lunalilo, as he is partial to ceriain Americans.[Original annesationiets probably.—En. Nuiiou.] " The decline of the native people is very rapid. The recent censuB shows a decline of 15 per cent. in Bix years. The causc of the decline is not diseage, so mueh as want of children. * * Out of forty-sis couples only eight have chiluren. * * Mr. Gibson and otherB propose to repeople this Archipelago with Japanese and other Asiatics.# A ehip load of JapaneBe havē proven a vēry dcsirable acquisition to the islands." " The new Cabinet of Iving Lunalilo composed jpf Messrs. Bishop, I'lall, Stirling and Judd, gives eome conhdencc on account of respectabiLity but not on aeeount. of ability." ' X