Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 ʻApelila 1873 — "Pig Headed." [ARTICLE]
"Pig Headed."
| Thefe ure the very wutds used l v ._<ur pi ! digtiifiedj gentlemanly,' atid highly ectable ! MinisW fni Foreign Afrairs, in f peaklng of our ' hrdthcr of the organ of - All Saints. It is very ruue I language 3 and our eourteous nature 'Would irjt ' permit up to use it ; n tpeaking of a brother ed!i--i tori; but the Minietcr said it; we are eure of it > i bedftuse we find it in our brotuer"e pa|>er ef May | 30j 1868, in the report of the debate of the Leg- | isldtive Assembly. They had ourbrother haulel ! over the eoale on some usual charge of„scurrillfy ! and s!anderous talk; |and our then the' Noble C. R. Bishop, epoke thus in debate " īfc-was well known that this editor of the P. C ( A(tvertiscr (11. M. WhiLney) was very pig ! ed knd stubborn, who when lie»had becn ehown I he was wrong, would n<)t acknowledge or eoneel theierror. Sometimes he would in part take oaek what he had said in his ncxt week'S issue 4 bu; people in other parts of the world wouM read hislurs, and never see the nest issue of ikepapeL* codtaining the correction," This is an unpleasī{nt eharge. brothcr, thdught so at the time ; but the worst of il u, I thdt everybody in town,|some of jour best MenJ- v I it ie a fact, say with tlje Minister, tbat you au | <{ stubborn and pig ht|aded and are sure t" M ]|ut your foot into you take in han 1. jW| never said you were| ;i pig headt I," but ne.u j 1 y overy body in town s|iye