Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 April 1873 — The Chief Reason. [ARTICLE]

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The Chief Reason.

t\\ys thc Organ of t!ic oviginal tumesatsou King: tliat now etauds ukhuh! Uie Throue, wliy our Keciprooity Treaty at >Vashiugton \vas defeateJ, \vas tho "unfortuuate <k'Seetiou of th«_ of this tiovevuiuei)j (who weie Ilon. C. C lliui?. llou.' J. .Mott Siuith, aiKl Ilie Eseelleuey Chaueellor' Aiieu) in«ludiug Mr, Walter M. iiibsou, wlwi weut thei".c wilhoul ojlieial autlioritj', aud probably did uioie to defcat it th;ui auy <.<tln.i uiui, ■thou«h hc muy uot t!iiuk No. lu vioit't'

T i to;*?ind tlie gentlemen vrith wLum Le hal lthe honor to aasociate in the advocaey ol this im|portant puhlie measure don't t3iink so; and varilous letters and publi|?hed |tatements iii hiepoeeeelsion fully estab!ish hīs opinion in the ma|ter» and fartherraore the editor of the above Orzan I ■■ Q * |don't believe his pre|cnt statement, in respect t j |this matfcer, because when he was editor of thc \Commerciat Advertiser } he says Septembei -l f 11869, in referring to our positionat Washingtoiī. "Now let our readers judge for themseives, as to whether a gentleman (Walter M. Gibson) of, so !far as we know unimpeaehed veracity, woula pub!lish sucfa a statemen|t (the £acfc of his holdlng a !eommi§sion) if | ! Does it nofe eound rather iunny that a man iehouM be 44 selected" as an agent; and yet go ! <4 without official aijithority," But that is like !some of the Onmn f e! ueual lofrie, ' I — -I— ; ;