Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 April 1873 — "A Lie Somewhere." [ARTICLE]

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"A Lie Somewhere."

Our brother of the Organ of original annexationists, says in 'hie iseuo oi ]ast Wedno&<laj under ■ the heading, "A Personal \Matte.r," We are nofc aware of ever having had a eonversation with hiip (Editor Nuhou) in whieh the 4t Master and Semnt" 3jaw was referred to directly or indirectij. And so far from eyer having agāigned t in private or puhlie that law as a reaeon whj the Eeeiprocity Tresty did not pass,—we scout the very i3ea of it." . Now we say that in a eonversation with the Editor of the Gazeiie\ aboutamonthago, and in his bookBtore, he Baid distinetly to us, that! we could not hope to succeed in having a, ileeie' prdcity Treaty ratified by the American Senate, j or words to that efiect, so long as the u Master and Scrvant" Act "was a la\vof this country; so ldng as heespregsed himselfvery pomtedly as our prdsent labor system was in force; andwecarried on our p!antations with bonded labōr. Of the Bubstanco of thesc remarks we are positive. But he 3enies having eaid this, either directly, or mdirecily. » Now he does not believe' that we will tell an untruth, because he says, epeaking of us when he Editor of the P. C. Adwrtiscr f in an editoriai of September 4, 1868, hcadc(f " A Lie Somewliere" that Walter M. Gibson was a ugentlemah of, 60 far as we (11. M. Whitney, Editor of the Advertiser) know, unimpeached veracity. v We wonld be giad to retum- the compliment, and say the same of our brother, is difficult wifch the following contradictions to his present statement staring us in the laee. , līn an cditoria-l article, headed 4< Bonded Laborers,' J Sept. 5,1868, he says: «!t is,the belief of many that the system (bonded ]abor) standsin! ; the way of thc Eeciprocity Treaty, and that it has! been used by the opponents of the Treaty abroad against the Gov§rninent, r? tl The odium of being engaged in this busincss (eooliee and bonded labor, ae discussed vcry fuliy in this and olliei' cditorials,) however humane the iīUentions may f>e, will damn this or any other government that engages in it, ,, Again Sept. 26, 1868,'he says speaking on the «<Labor Question, M our laws are now very arbitrary and in the article of October 10, 1868, 44 Who Kiiled the in speaking of the various causes, remarks; "now whether it ha*' been the writers for tliis paper for instanec, who ' havc discussed the labor question rather freeley ,! or certain others" j We could lill ever so many Nuiious wieli proofs | that we have reported, correctly a eertain couver-! mition wit!i Mr. 11. M, Whitney, in whīeh he aa- ] serted that the diseussion of our labor sygteiu, or ! " Master a»d Servant" Aet had deleated the! treaty. | So there is « A Lie Soinewherc, ,% and we nre' afraid brother, aetvrding to this plain that you nnbt poekel it, |