Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 April 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

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Along the Wharves.

| Steamer Kilauea h |repairiug ati<J f ttiug nt Ler | \vharf, and >vill leave |o-morrow for tlie«uit of | lĒauaL' | | I ! Barkentine Lulu li£s at tbe Esplana'le front, | d{scharging ber deck l«3ad. : | "pSehooner Glenv Harr|ej ie refittiDg at tue eorner the Esplanade. |Sehooners Nettic Merrill and llattie are ljuig at; the eleauiei-'e \vbaijf ; the fonncr \vill gelofT ttiis afternoc>n for Lalmina* and the latter probab]j thiB afternocn for Kawiliwili. Whalingschooner Glovani Aplani will eail fbis morning from tbe tteamer*s wharf on a whal{ng aM trading eruise. iSchooner Jennj is dischargiDg at tfie *lip adjoining, and wM leavo to-morruw for Koloa and Waimea. Schooner Fairj Queen, at Eohimon'i* wliarf t will Bail at 4r. m m for Hanalei. Barkentine Jane Falkehburg ie feceivjcg freight at wharf fbr Portland, Schooner Waiola, at Brewer & Co *« wbarf, will leave this afternoon lbr Lahaina, iSchooner Oaroline } at Brewer & Co/e wharf ? ia repairmg. j Schooner« Rob Roj and Kinau occupj bertliß at the old iee liouse wbarf. The former wlll get off this afternoon lor | Koloa, and the latter Uil* fb|renoor! !or Mlli|o. : ; Schooner Uilama, nt ihe old Custom H>use wharf, will eail tbis afternoon for Kona and Kau. Sehooner Liliu ii loe ding lumher at Tibbete X S(lrenson's wharf t to &ail to-daj for Kooli'i British bark Lightlbot y .'lieH stern on \t TtbbcU & Sorensoirs wharf, awaiting orden? A Hotel Pkomenape Comceri will be giveu next Thursdav evening The following is tlie ptogramme : ! : I. E#»perorWilliam March Bet£er | Chorus and Oaueone, Opersj Troubadeur. t . Verdi i God io >1 ercy, Hear mv White ! Blue Beard a\iadrillē *| ....... .OffVMifc*eh I ! PART 1!. • f £?jlcction. Ojvra Tlu£uenot:« t , ! Wme» Woman and Song, WaUs , ~., Straut« | Kemetrbr\nco of \evTjv rt | IJkt the Wii J, Ga!op, new % | Glad<>touo ha« returj\ed to power iu Great BrlI tsiw was expeeted. ' Couuuodore Vauderbilt gives half a īuilliou of dollars to endow a eeuiiuary for glrk at Sew Staten kland. | * ! ; if you want tl\e sum ioUl of our worthet\ add eharitv to jour beautj j A new eveuiug pajvr about to be §tarted iu fcranci6co, vrith a |capital of $100,000, in op- | poaiuon the j ' |3P What are the planters gettlng up s«vj& ū j storm &bout ? Whj % what are thej Cet i ting up a , ;