Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 ʻApelila 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
jSP Thirty-fivo more lepcrs tke SatuMay, The Board| of Hoalth i« right in makmg vigorous offort ;to Pogrcgato "tho 3isoA&csi ae 80011 ae.poanhle, l>ut not to oiivii\ngor tho heaUh of tho >vcll iu tho Uku We car»not conceivo \?hat oiigoiu\v ehouM tho bringiug of the lepors on the sto;\a>or. Aftor buch a froiglit it onghr to Aimigatod, anct tho ii)attroNv, < I i ? itown for tho ought to he hurned