Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 April 1873 — PASSENGERS. [ARTICLE]

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From ICosa a>*d Iva\ —1\ i Pmee, Av>ril 9th—,l R Speiieerj J Rentou, CUas Snyder, Mr Apio, and 2S deek. For Sxn Frakcisco —Per Dakota, April llth—Mrs McCuhy, Miss A Peiree, Mrs E O Hall, Mrs W W Hall, S B l)o!e, Wm Ir\viu, Ghas NordhofT, Mīss I.uey W hite, J R Kennedy, \vife aud ehild, II Brad!ey and \vife, .1 C l-ynian, Henry May, Mrs F Hollister, Miss Fauny llolltster, M llunior, M Hardwick and wife, George Reed t Col Geo de U Vergne, Mrs de la Vergne and 2 ehiiui eiu T W 11 CauipbeU and wifo, Mrs Squibb, Miss Eisen, Jos V Smith, Mrs Koon, Tmg ehiu, A G Manley, J 11 Blaek, .1 8 Bradley, Jas Itartison, 1 CU*vie, Cha« Rissier, and 9" in trau«!h\ Aom AuoMaiul, N 7. From Winuwaku Pok lVr Kilauea, \pril l?th—G W C Jones, J 1 Talbort, W A LUUe, C Alexander, Mr Maeautev, Mr Fleteher, W Monl£omcvy» Mrs T W Fverett, Mis« P Richards»on, Miss J W Girvitv, Mi KuiheUui» Mi*s NapeU, MUs Parke, and 101 deek, A