Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 ʻApelila 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A" Koa Bui a}.]] FOR SALE! UJSOME OFFK K W RITFMV TA * AN ,L, w:lh *> Drawers, Koa lirdsLead. extra 6izc 4 Hair MatraF*o&, Model Cook Siove„ largo size, eau ami Handsome Swing! T«vkt GVa&?, fccvrts China Fountain.! Saddler, : Rouble Seated Carrlaffi, I 2 Double Reined Bridle#, Apply to MRS. MASON, Pi le H<"u*e. fofTsale"! AH|aM>SOME OFFI< K oi STI'DV V.T.IT IN(J Table with C Dr*v »*, ?hm«- H:oW !»alntlng«, Handsomely |Framed, a Fountain «.-f i|are &*vre«? Cliiwi and *ou»e Valuable 11 on! ton Luce, various ? of Veniirur<% Cupboards* Alt*. A Carriage Horn*-, *ud :» Gentle iiiai.Jg iioise, Apply to j I MttP. MAS;*N, Prle Il»u?e. FYEARS FOR A TERM 0 wv TIIK I'UFSF.NT KF.SIDEXC E OF M the undenMgned'situated in Honolulu. Nt the f<>ot ( ? l J unchbotvl Street \ one and thuc-f.-un!* acres land. p;utly planted wit !; Fruit Trees aml fc lowering fchrubs, tUe balance \ asuifngtr sufficient 1' r two horses. The Land )\h* a frontage on the sea tTie » ntrancc to the iiarbor, of two hundred anil sixty-tl.i et ft. t. There w premisses a SPACIOI S ANT> COMM*'>PIOUS ijWELLING HOUSE, cOxW feci witb *11 c j.v attached. j Servants rooms, Stable and Cairringe Huti-v. It is both 3 c!'y and s£& s!-3? r^sldtncs. It otjly requites to be setti lo bje sjiprefiaf^d, I COME AND SEK. Tor terms; apply on tli- 3 THOS. LONG THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL ! ~-t . inv irjT" ''I'mills' —.112 A. HERBERT, : j PROPRIETOR. rpiip has become the liost popular institution of X this city. It is the onb> which reiounuiuN ud| most | to the iavorahle consideration ot strangers,: Everyone vfLio arrives in | Honolulu indulges in m expression of surprise to 'find so large, so and jsuch a well appointed Hotel, It cu?t a good sum>j but it is well the money. The chief projectors and promoters of the buildiog wer*f blamed for liaving ereeteji such an extravagantly large! edifice ; but before a ye*r has expired U was Opened it is frequently found to be too small to aecoibmodate its throng otj guests, —.uui the proprietor Js about tew erect four; adjacent cottages tv meet the demand upon his hospitality. Travelers from all parts the world who are now brought here in comfort by the commodious sleaaiships of the Australian li;m\say unanimously that there is no public entertainment ou thi* Pacific coast, or in*the ttt;iush Colouies which surpasses in point of comfort and clearance the new Hotel, j Ike building is lighted ttith gas. The iMnbs Room is a spacious noble hull, j\nd cau seat W person at table. The p?\rlor is furtiishevl very luxuvkusly, and has a superior toueji piano for the enteitaini- [ mean of guests. There is !a mtluTd ptvTide % mest of guests. There is ja ptvTidc % with! three (V\< patent cushion tables Tbe |lie\i-rooms all furnistKvi with spring mat;tresses, and tasteful sets of f\tvmturx\ with cvld auit There »re no extra charges for conveyauce s>f guests between steamer and Hotel in coming ;,ud and no extra chArgffor -112 or other extra service. ! Charges per Day, $3 00; SCO 00