Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 ʻApelila 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Billiard Table For Sale ! A GOOD, BILLIARD TABLK, COMPLETE in all its appurtenances, for sale at the "German Club House in Emma St. apS St A Handsome Moniton Lace Bershe ETIOR SALE. -Apnlyto 5 * MRS. MASON, Pele House <AT THE CORNER STORE WILL BE FOUND A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear ! JUST RECEIVED EX ICA MOT AND T>. C. MURR AT. X 1 TNDEBSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, ALL GRADES, J Neck Ties, Socks and Suspenders, superior to any \ 11 the country, a fine line of Clothing, 1 j A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes! j White Linen Suits, White Bail Vests $ Glomes, A fine assortment of Hemmed Handkerchief!?, both ! white and colored border, A tine new lot of White Socks, something new, A. of ZVeol< -Bonrls ! . l-u&ieH&s in Silk, Italian, Cloth, Alpaeoa and Cotton, A fc# large sue whalebone t^mbrellas, GOLD AND PLATED SLEEVE BFTTOSS, AMBER Sleeve Buttons, Bone and Ivory Sleeve Butt-on*, A SEW LOT OF PANAMA HITS, STRAW HITS, , Cass. Hats, , Shirts of superior quality, from ia to inches neck : Cndmhtm fmn SO to 44 Inches i Boot 3 And Shoes from No o V- \ Trunks, Valises and I Carpet Bags, UiOSSKM/S ASH MBIX'S I'KRFI'MKS, j Soaps, Pomades and Hair Oils, K>«?rything ia Brushes, including the best Brush In I town. Great Bargains in Sock !IX V\H V T RYKUVTUtNO l'f'*U.Y FOISP IN All WKI.L Ai'roiNTKP pruNjismso flows STORK Call and lAsmtic. no TroubV to Stion Cootfst 1 mhT hu M. McINERNY.