Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 April 1873 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TIME-TABLE OF THE StEAMiR "KILAUEA Aprjil I6ch .....j Circuit ofKntinj April | Ktttiti April BS«h... Circuit «112 Ha>,„ii tr 1 CiHHiil fur Money. TickeU at the '♦"b • Not responsible fur m-y or packages, k - ocipte<l for. jsAMITKL G. WiLPKR, j*4 i Ac«M5. , 11^3.1,! SfXOftDAi; April is:a* ju'iiu Mr) HENRY CLAY DEMOREST, SON OK M.MK. PKMOHltfr, 01' M;\V VOKK, I , l * UU.NOLI LI JtiX «2t"Sr~ ' ■ ? "! Ml ELOCUTIONARY ENTERTAINMENT 1 "Will appear in Comic Delineation and Declamation In * COMIC &px<l IMTKfcWX.UIoS. By Mr. Morton, .1 X't.Yu'ei ii-ycr/,0..( t|. C-h' v vr.,. \ Also, >li\ iioi*«.r >\ liii Mu» ic , fccts rrcsfmutiat% Tickrr? OV APMtSiiONUrtxv. , £■ >v. Ccuif j lVx>r* o|h iAvt| 1\ M I to c.«nKiK\: at £ , K«*rr\vd w*y l. I. vi Nt>, j ~