Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 April 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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(uK)i> Fuu>ay.—2voarlj ali the &tores an<l plaees , of busine£s wcre clo6cd 011 tliis di\y. The Goy- , eniment offiecs, and two or three stores down town i i presenied quite solitary exeeptions. I j We observe thc pio tt rctKJof the GoYern- 3 ( ment building from our lookuut at the Hotel; ( i aud we uiust saj : that it will l>e our most impo&- | ing edilice; and if eompleted aceording to Uk j plan of Dr. Uutchkou s our late s'liuktor.. of Uk { | lutocioi , 1 ifc will be a yf wlueh.lie andj | we may be proud--sYhateYer inaj be ihought ofj it6 ntvOis?ity, eo§t s or We intendi j to writo uiore about jjt f m H j | Cabim«e ukabh not r?used, and J thick at the liead of >treet, l>ut from i Muui h$ tho sfccamer t ~gfeut l ig fellowb, with! ! 4<olid whitc erimpy hcart*. Souic n\eij;hed 12 lbe , an l worth far uiorc thau a 1» j\nuid hcad full of t n tii \**< | |

2epWanitd a yu!ing lo deHver the and | t-j adveruteLDeQt-, Call|on the Publit;Ler at phe Hawauaiī HjL«jl; or Mr. |T. G. Tbrum, 3Jerch*ant Btrcct. FJ>cr Days Later fkom ihe Coapt.—Ti e Behooner Carolbie 9 has iaade a Gne run of f_ k urtevu dayd irom San Franeifjeo. She left lbur du)a tbe Gen> Slk brings īio lettur mail, and not a ncwspuper, and no alarming intelligence of any kind frdrn the c »ai:L ; and aē n> news is better ihan bad riew« we luzLi t-o be thankfn], Howeyer, she brings a rum>r tbat General Grant is rj?e!ected and thatProv;eienee was looking after'Pearl Harbor and reciprocSfey at Washington» but is uot surc. She hasealcid orders to go scalitJg ; and altogcthcr Cor~ rte tfells but a sealy story. r fhc Mases Taylor ls pribably ailoai S'>uiewhcrc, and we may look fur hcr, when we dun*t & e her , but it ie inoet likely we ' will see her, whon eomlng|ound Diamoi)d lleac[. ! M go TIIE Life Bu<jys ! '' —This was thc cry of a gay.ant midshipman pow lnport when a ilku« lell |overboard, and by i|U prompt utterance ihv lifō j>t" the man \vas tavcd. The disciplme of a shipj of war has ever a t\jro-fuld objeet in view, to be always preparcd to lts enemy and its own people, And ship of State ought tu excreise a similar difccipiine, but chiefly to haw life.| In i?iew of so ina|iy disasters by lofcb uf boatjS Sn our channels, thpre should bc bōnie inepeepon of the seS-wortfhincss of eueh erafl ai Lahaina aud other poinuj, and natives &huuld n-A be ajilowed to take eareleps risks in going to sca. aie searee, and we shuiild 6ave all weean; thcreibrc we ery out—" lct the life buoyB." |