Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 April 1873 — Hoky Poky Wanky Fong. [ARTICLE]

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Hoky Poky Wanky Fong.

! Minister De Long in Japan has' gouc haek on | ! us. He \vashes his hands of 'llie isles, aud sajs 1 I no more Sandwich for him, as it is too strong!y ' | peppered with eoolieism to suit hismoual 6tomach..j ! Ile is the blarneying amha6padorial Barnum, who, tried to make puff and pelf by showing arounu ! Mori and the pnncly Japs; bufc those chaps, and Mori, said no more, do we belong to De Long,' and fcold him to get along. And no'w this roug!i; in Eastern diplomacy, this bull in a China ehop, ] has to return to his old pastureB aQdstampiog ! grounds; and so, like a retiring politician in our latitudes, he wants to go hoaie wīth a good record, by throwing overboard heathen Ilawaiian. This made our Eohemian sinf; in t-his wlee : Oh, have you hear'd Uie ne\vs of late ? About a caating diplomate, W Ijo says no Coolies shali bc ate By the King of the Caimibal is!and?. Hoky, poky, wanky, fong, What a eanting guv this olel De Lon^ Who sweai*s that he ean never get a!oug With the King of the canitibal i>;lantls. ile'« got in the JEast a tawney slut And one 111 the West of a doub!e smut But \vith a wahine he nevcr will put l T p in the Cannibat islands, lloky, pokv% wanky, fong, Chink is the thing will sh<£ye liini along AnU make this canting guy go .strong For ihe King of the Cannibal islamls