Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 ʻApelila 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Spirit of the Press.

The Adverliser 6f fche 12th ia verj f«]l and inbereBting. It wante to know, epeaklng of Women ae DoctorB, ,? whj Ilawaiian \*omen shouldnot be as " |proud of po6sessingrobu-t an l healf% ehildren aB of the of c-:»sftlj dreBges whieh fortunc *hall enable them to parade.' ? Why, ll>ecause thej hcfVe had more preacbing tban ddiuc6tic training, and tliercf.rc would rather maW? a paradc of dre£*es ut churdi than of chftdren in a decent hōme, Ifc speaks of us| in this wke: " This livelj Semi-\\eeklj (l S) is inereasing its reputation for public spirit, keen j sareasm and Ballies of wit. Io its waj, it 18 the Puneh. the Figaro, or KtaJdtrdatsch of Ilonolullu." ' Thank vou $ brother, f.»r fchis pat on the ba«3k. Wc sball do our be*t t > pimeh the hcads| of newspaper num<kul!s, >vt - dori'fc Cīire f«»r pub. funOband Lnagniheae: and if we do niake a claf!>r t we hope it is wlth a ffersĀ"and &jspīrit that will eseuse tbe du*t we trj to raiBe; andj brother } we'hope to aid jou in leading this poc r elkpie ridden lan<l to a high i destinj. The Kuohoa has an address to lue Ilawuiian people, in whte|i as we un«ler*tand, "t that the ,JLu . OA*(j« defuiict t and that thoee , who Bubacribed jfor it uiubt in ihe | loas of aboufc mouthe of their subseriptioo; | but thcj oin gefc t|he Kuokoā for that time fbroiie i dol!ar and a half. | i Kauai," iu thijs paper, is a liiile i»ixed m ; his gcripture, : and|wanU to kuow how fcl»4 Pttti- | areh and Shepherjd, » the Abraham of lau u k going to lead Kiugdow tbrough Uk Iu I bea iof ita diffieultiee,?' lt Mose,mj S 11, vho paddled his people througli the ruddj tuk, <Mid who, as he looke<j fbrth .ou the waj f sald—- Is it J*&ī oh , Sut thjiB Shepuerd is iietther -\Lr I Lam nor leaae, nor J<jieoh, nor even David wiio got | Je£se, but i? the ron of Asnapper, oT the raee ol ! the llittites. ; * : j The Pu enlargexl to tl e ui^j mtj of foui' pagejs like the Nuioi. The uniele* n-e prettj suuvrj foi btluvlbojs, and \\;e u.iuL -Oiue of our okW <.duur* might, \>ith ad,Viinu;gc, j gv.> to eehool awlule s to tliese lvjs. The Punūhou Jk)h* * K*t JL«:u CVu\u a» * other paper:? de^r\ e a meiilioii, but thej arv l i at hand we writc.