Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 ʻApelila 1873 — "Ka Poalima Maikai," [ARTICLE]
"Ka Poalima Maikai,"
Or Good Fridaj, as the Kuokoa says, is tbat u Friday of the CatholicB, whieh was kept ujp during the late reign, But ifc not so now, lt is better to let this denoiuination of worshippei-s attend to it, aa this is not a Catholie Kin^domM We don't belicve it ie ; nor any other religious denominational Kingdom ; but we believe, We hope it is a Christian Kingdom ; and ave the anniversaries of ChristiuniU- to be utterlj Ignoreq? And this the greatest of them? Hie groatest ;-j--bccause Bcdcmption greater than Pi-umiee ; aud a victory greater tlian the birth-day of the hero who wou it. Is not Bruee remembered by Bannockburn, Wellington by Waterloo f and Lineoln by Emaneipation ! and ia it not our ehief boj>e and consolation to think of Chrli?t on the ; and therefore ehail the day lle liung for us by bloeding hands and feet, he paa?ed by aud eall|d the dav of a denouiinatiou? 110 ! What <*ay y<»u Clurfetiuti* of Ameriea, E*igi&ud, Franee, Germany» aud"of all tlie world ? We do not ad\ocatea uuiou of ChureU and State* We are \uu nean and republiean ; but lu America, «lthougli there k no eommand of there is u6ua!ly injall departuieuU of publu busi aess, au order to 6u§peud wdrk ou» Chriotiuv hoiidaya, !
Marrlagc of u lovuior Jistiiiguish<xl \lsitcr, Tho of Bcn llollauy has ui;\rricu ehunain| girl ? and a unlllon". Hritla! pre?onts alomo wouU.huv a |»lant|atioiK % j