Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 ʻApelila 1873 — A Royal Visit to the Lepers. [ARTICLE]
A Royal Visit to the Lepers.
j we suggest. The presence ofj : Majestj at Kalaupapa would have a most j c6nsoling and inspiring effect upon his *unhappj' j who are necessarilj eslled ; ar»d also| j upon all others throughout the kingdom, On t)bI eerving this evidence of a paternal care fbr the ( saddest and most hapless outcasts of the land.' . Therc w no fear of contagion in merelj looking at! this dread diFea?e ; therefbre we respectful!j sugjgest,to His Majestj to visifc Molokai. And if a! ' noblc Christioan priest, preacher or sister shquld | bb inepired to go and "gacrifice a life to j these'poor wretehes. thafc would be a rojarsoul | to ehine forever on a throne reared bj human love. !