Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 ʻApelila 1873 — Leprosy [ARTICLE]
' Ts about the mo?t impoi|tant que?!īon now befoje | 110 in these iBlandB. We have no doubt there ! one l ihomnuā confinned! ca>es in the countrj, of ! whieh about one-ha-f or! 498 are in the ietreat of ll' i ' - : the;condemned at Kalaupapa. Tvvo jer cent., 6f : the! populaiion are lepers ; and we feel, from our !' obstrvation that we hazard the &upposition | thak ful'lj five per cent, f of the population either | hate the diseaBe in a conGmed fbrm or are tninte'd | wHth lt. This fearful maladj calls fbr especial ' and cnergetic action. li: was dealfc with in a par- ! tial' manner, durin"; the late rei2n, no } | | " !doubt to influences over whieh the Board of | Health had no control; but the preseiffSovereign !givts a»urance bj llis prescnce in the hospital > janci in various wajs, that He ib determmed that !the ! diseases a»<mg Ilie'people &hall be fullj injTCBtigated, and corabated without fear or favor ; therefore the Board of llealth aud medical ageuts !of Boardhave no eheek their legitimate |action. Thej should £mploj activelj alī the afc iheir and eall piv»mptlj for j more if neeued« ; i r Jfhe separation of aīl confirmed ghould be j ?igprouslj carried out. | And in this connection j we must espre«s our to the bringing of j all the lepers of the islafids to Honolulu, and eiuj p!ojing different for their transporcaj tio|K If the disease be contagious, as we muet jbelieve it ig f although we don't know in whai | waj, we are certainlj njultipljing the opporfcunij ties for infection, bj carr)ing about rotten men |whose fleeh is a horror» in vessels that are used ;for|heaithj passenger tjrafSc. Xo sane shephex;d 1 Mnd sound sheep! in a vessd that had onee I carried eeabby ones ; and shall we care less for ipoqrhuman sheep? Jpst think, a poor wretca i whose liands are in a sjtatt> of horrld decomposi- ! and the flesh of wtiose fxngers are slougi)iug I awaj, places a hand upon a rail or poinl of rigf g* D fe» bj-and-bj a but abi*aded hai}d |ros upon thie sp\)t, aikl is iuoculatcd wlth tl*e jdespiating virus. Such!a thing is a possible eont lingencj, and shou!d be guarded agaiust bj everj | precaution. Emploj ohe for U:is horrlble j wo^k; and let a wedioal boai\i sit iu Hawaii, iMaui, wad Kauai. to decivie on the spot iu respec: Jtō f iispeēted caees t and send thein direct to Mou - kai. If atiy regulation! lorbidu tlue # lct ue ha>e ii oufcofthewtij> i I
Hi? T.sjcllfnoy I|ciuj A. Peiiee, Miutstei Rcsi«fant of thc Unitc\i Statcs rcmoved froni Grove Cottage, aud o«tjal)]i*!icvi tbe at tho Hawaiiau llotol. [ I I *—j —~ |y" The rromcin\Jo Oonoeil ni t!io ve*- | j ■■*:]■ teraay >vas \y;cll aUcixit\l % auJt wa« & { gr*Mt trc<it to thc muu*v r of «tr.iu£ers it*u\ at the l\*tc\