Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 ʻApelila 1873 — Emma Square [ARTICLE]
Emma Square
Ih' tbe olny pretty green spot that belongs to tbe town as a puMle ground, and considering that real estate in Honolulu is not eo etiormouslj costly, and thafc ehrtibberj grows all the jear ronnd, and that we }iave plenty-of water—it ie a shame that we have no other umbrageouB epot to show to strangers lnit thi« little fateh of Enima Square. However, it is no use growling about what we have not got. Emma Square ie a pretty little epot. The ground was the gift of the late King, and owing to careful Bupervision and cultivation, it 'm now full of Bhrubbery, and is an ornament to the town, Our admirable Band enlivens ifc with sweet inaaie every Saturday afternoon, and tliere is only one thingneeded, and that is some eitting aeeomuiodatioii for the ladies who go t and for those who would go to hear the muaie. Xt is ā shamo to aliow the ladies to sumd there during the mueie. Everyho<iy does not want to jierked up iu u eurnage, Those who really ei\joy the mueie waul to «t quiet, and not have a lot of pranelug eavaliers with wide-awakes stuek on three hairs, mmrking arouud them, A hundred of you boys throw iu the price of only three !good eigars apieee and we'll get thqse $eat« (l>r the ladies in Emma Square is a plank in the Niuou platforni, Piank up, boyī<—so eeni« apkee for make up'sso,*tbat will
BaC£ NiMiiKUs.- -Fourteui iuunbcrs of Nvuov to dak% put up in for mailiug for ouo dolkr. ūo to Thruufs and gct tho Xvuov !or yo«r frioiKt* abroad.
■" Air nofc jour dirtj ljtue!i before Hut K)mo people wlil āo aud &re tio\or &itl& hod until thoy bave tokt etn\i\ger of Boine rul against h fel!t>\T oitbin, fot fear he uugtitget 110 mueh !