Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 ʻApelila 1873 — Passion Week [ARTICLE]
Passion Week
Now appeals to devout sou!s. We aro reminded of the joaruej of the Crose, the scourgings aud ; Agony; ānd tho upUrtedMan on the bloodj tree, j hanging for lore of his fellow bj torn and ago- < ni7.ed«deHcatoliandgi, >vith thelast hoart-brokcnqut- . cry of despair; a,iid then followed bj the rising : rißtng and the glory of Eaeter, These tjungs belong to humanity everjwhere. I)o uot \vait for preeept and formula iu order to leel deeplj during thig Passiou Week. But >ve want to know one thing. Are we to liave no more offieial holidajs, aa during the reigu . of Kamehameha V\, of blessed aud are all the eacred„ taboos abolished during the new > reign ? Are Good Fridar aud Chrktm&ts to be ig-1 nored?—the anfuvemrieB of the Fouiider uf Chmtianitj to be blotted out by " autbority, %f i and some pertaining to the modern Pt\)vuUntia!, direction of llawaiinay to be 111 .there plaee? American, Engligh f German, Freneb, nnd otber Cliristians want to know. j
Not Bai> Fi n,—Put a lmif dollar into & āi*h, 1 atid cover It one meh whh tuolat?6?eb\ Thcn tcll a toy to trv and gei tho moncj wlth hie mouthrl"hf* moro hoys thcrc nr< > the nic>ro f«u you \vill havf». Try if girK