Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 ʻApelila 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Lleutenant Commander Sands was m eom- j mand of the boat expedition from the U. S.'S. i CaUfornta> ordered by Admiral Pennoek 'to.sur-J the Pearl Ilarbor Lagoon ; and %vas assisted by Lieutenant Cut-t8 and Mid&bipmen Wi]son. A j hastily prepared item in our No, 13, ignored tbe j presence of Lieut, Cora. Sands, and placed Master | Singer %vith the expedition, who is now on board j the Bcnkia, or happily \vith his friends in San j Franeieeo, We leani, though not from any ofl the above named gentlemen, that the difisculties ! of the bar at the entraaee of the liarbor arc mueh | greater than at first Buppoised, There is a greater i breadth of bar and a more difficutt roek bottom j than at firat observed. However, able enguieerB \ delighfc in encountering diflseulties of this kiud, | when there ie a loug puree to eustain tliem. J