Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 April 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ipril ICftfi,... | Circuit of Ktiital ApriS 21 at,»•,.»,»«- Kottfi April -Circuit of Huwuii No Credit for Passage rfcwy. Tickets at the Office Hot responsible for yr,y ?rfig?it ur packet**, uulees rvfor. SAMirtCt. G. WILHMC, t-w&ir Agwot. . . FOR A TEPvM OF YEARS ! MTH'E PRESKM RESIDENCE OI the undersign*] in lulu, at th* f'X'i '! Punehhfiwi SHreM ) roiit'.ii-ir.g'•do m.<) ur.» acres of land. jmi l!y with rYuit Tre<~ jlr»«l tloweimg Shrubs, the, bala»io: iq t c*yi p a •Huir .*,.•>* lUfiki'. *>t t< r two hordes. j • The Lund has a frontage on the* sea ?>eacb, facing the euirrtL>v«to the harbor, of two hundred and sixty-three'feet. * There i? on the premises a Si*AC 101;S ANT) COMMODIOUS IiVvKLLiNG HOUSE, 50x60 feet with.all €» hV'.liitrUo 1 attafcfifed. ! " ForVanfcs rooms. Stable and Carriage floac®. . | It i? both a city and sea side rtgidenee. j It only requires to be seen tu be apprecritesL* i COME AND SEE. i For terms apply on the premises of | J" hl5 : TiiOS. LON'tt. ! xiiE H4WAIJAN HOTEL i j xnniv | A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR. j r PHte Ims become the popular mstiiuilon ejf ( X this city. It is the onp, which recommends u> | most to the favorable eciasideratiou of : Everyone who arrives in j Honolulu indulges In an expression of surprise to bud >olarge* so elegant „ aud such a well appointed Hotel It cost a good sum, but it is well wortlj the money The ehies 3 projectors and of the building were s blamed for having erected such au extra\agantly i large edifice ; but before a jear has expired since U j was Opened it is frequently found to be too sma:l tu j accommodate its throng of guests-arid the propri- » etor is about to lour .asjaeeut cottages to meeti the demand upon bis hospitality Travelers from all parts {112 the vorU who are now brought here in* comfort by the commodious sk\un- \ sbipsj ol the Australian line, say unanimously th*t i there is no of public entertainment on the 1 acifio coast > or m the I>rKi&h CA',omes winch sur-» ' passes in point of comfort andV;egaace the new HoteL I | The building is lighte4 *ith gas. The Dining j Boom is a spacious noble u^a % und c in seat I>X> person jat table. The parlor is furnished my luxuriously* land has a superior toned pis no fot the enuualn* | roent of guests. There is i Billiard Saloon pt\mde4 ( with Uuce Sthrale & Co/a ivateut cushion tables. The Bed-rooms are all furnished wUh spring mai . j ~112 .» *• ?».... vi I • " - * ■= »■* >-«. i V*, Av* t«. 4.VV* kV % 1 *md shower attache.!. j iuetx> «ix» ik> extra charges for oonve\ at ' between ste.;mer i\w\ IL-te! in uud ' ig; and no extra charge'fcr ix-Lucwil of baggage, - tr other extra sew lee ' Charges per Day, $3.<)0; Charges $00 CK>