Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 ʻApelila 1873 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A Handsome Moniton Lace Bmhe FOR SA I.K. Apply to Mil;-. MASON, relc Mouse II SI W&Ki? WILL BE FOUND-. A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear ! JUSI RECEIVED EX 'MO I .VIVO I>. C\ MCHIIA V. UNDKHfeHIKTS AND DKA WKRS, ALL GKADK& Neck Tie?, Socks and -. Suspeudcrs, superior to any i) the country, a fine line of Gentlemen'? Clothing:, A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes! White Linen Suits, White Bali Vests, Giattf, A fine assortment of Hemmed JLiiuikerchiciV, Lujih white and colored border, - - new lot of White Shocks, something nti-iv, -V JSpie net let JUot ot Xook NcarUl Umbrellas! in JHlk, Italian, Cloth* Alyacca and Cotton;, A fow large eke whalebone Umbrellas. GOLD AND VLATBD SLEEVE BUTTONS, AMBER Sleeve Buttons,' Bone and BuUt*n<, A NHY LOT iW I* WAN V HATS, MiMM lIV I-. Cass. llsU, Shirts of superior quality, from 13 to -0 inches nock ; I u kr*h ris from oC» to 44 Inches ; Boots and Shoe- from N' l 5 to Y* $ Trunks* VaKse* and Carpet Bag?!. AND I,r KI.VS BKRFt'MK^ Soaps, IMmndo and Hair Oi-. Everything in BimhCis meludhv B«hH hi towtK Gtvut Bar \ns ui Vk>, IN FACT KVKRYTHIM* 1 si vhW FOUND IN \hl WKLL A I*l*ol XTFB Fl UNITING ttoOQS FTOUF | 1 Call mitl K\mttiii<\ ho Trtjwljk to Show fctuiN \ M, McINERN> .