Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 April 1873 — Mr. Henry Clay Demorest [ARTICLE]
Mr. Henry Clay Demorest
īs a vouij)g geofcleman, w'ho has deliglited us Mih his gifts of eharaetor dellneation, and eloeuhop» We were privileged to be pre6ent at the houee of a fTiend| afc the renderiDg of a few specimens of hia fine powers, and we inust mj that we \v>?re highly cielighfced, and eomewhai agtoni?sht l , b« - eauee al(Shough he exhibitā the puwer« of a ma*tu , he 19 biit a sniooth fliecd graceful youth. His āieial pdwers of exprcBpion are rciuuvkable, and his voiee is strong ānd rieh, and will well fill the largest leeture halh His deitneation of the carieatured Dutchman, after the Hans Ereitman style of burlesque is capitaL His New York Irish Biddy'On the * 1 Haythen, Chinagur " question cannot be beat. But when he touehee you wlth the pathoB of hia doomed man, talkiiig to hi« mother in ftiglit of the gallowt*, your heart ig broken up to its depthß, if you have one. llīb renderin|g of the two v».ieeb in the \Kalogue between l>rutu6 and Cas6ius an eleeutioimry maeterpJeee, whieh al! the boys, aud girl* too f of Punahou, and other sehools ought tu hoarV With his fine yoiee, the 50 eent, will be the vury beet tbr the ybung fo!k*, The Band will play to-morrow afternoon at 5 o'eloek, following īs the programme ; Emma Square March Berger Pīnale, opcra Iseli&ario. DouiEeui Young Aristocrat, quadriilē.*>latlior \Vedding Maroh, new.Mendol«s«ohu Meditation. ».Langē Sybiila Polka, new................................. ,Par!ow