Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 ʻApelila 1873 — Annexation Fleas, or What Became of Five Thousand Dollars. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Annexation Fleas, or What Became of Five Thousand Dollars.

: ! Our Patrl?rcbj a prajīug old l»ruthet ; M?ho ispeaketh of thece things, gaith that then ; was a certaiu eon of Be!ial, a s?/ufh hy profcssioti, : who caDio from the iind of the uneircumciee'?-. l even / from ihe eitj o ' Washmgton with h l>ag h\ [ hie hand, and iQaiij| thousaod ta!eDtis of eilvu. UherenK An& he unto ccrtam bain l - of | ihese isles ? and eaiā, 1 ! will divide five thoutautl }k these talents with| you, if perad?epture v\icv |yeenter into the co|idclls of the KiDg t yrBhiM :putflea3 into the of hls peop'e, so that thcy ! ahall not hear tho of (he Lord*s anointe 1 |us wafi there wont % atsd fiell out his inheri|tance. Atid the saii)tB answered _and eaid t it 1 good, we will d» £0, we will take thy gold and • rhy silTer. and we will put the Sea of 1 lnto eyery man*B ear| I ; ; And iteame to pi&s that when this son of a ' smith returned imto hia own land, that the ohkf 5 6f the u)oney eliang4rB of the i)iicircunicisccS Unto him, what didst thou witli the lalenU, tlmt we gave thee, for, 10, and beho!d there are tei> |biousand short, Aiul he answered and eaid, I j gave five thoueand oF them in order to buy the i King of the ielee bis people, and lo» 1 carry with me the of their toriboB to pro\e thk ; thing; but the aainh* prevailed over thy bervant, und got tbe lalenU for nothing, masiime!i as they i ad no moretooffer for the taleots I gave, than ; jdid Satan iu his oflt|r of Kingdoms to t!ie Lord ; i j6-ud therefbre, in lauguage of the mouem .jprolane they did btlk me. The Patriareli tsdth that this k not ali t and ;that he wot« of thidg6 that will make Ilouolulii iiliowl. • Now we wili ask ivho g<:>t tbe swag,' the luere t ■ j—a iuii tiithv iive thou*and of it ? Couie i loin, IMek» and liarrj»be J)'c,n \ about iu You ;jgot it. Onē $ieore l\e got $oiue. Aud ho v ,v huve you e;\rned the ? You \uu himl to gjannexation blind t aijd jon weie willmg u- seU oul i|a Ki«g when you :vere ou*\ aud now you are fugting auothor with recipiveilj, lH\-au?e (|you are in. We know your trade and w ill 4pvi! i|U* Oii, hueksteriug \vheiv k thy \ietoiy , o!i, | houor where Is tliy aiug?