Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 April 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]
Spirit of the Press.
The Gazctie is bo(h in6tructive aiia amusmg ! ihm week, as ifc has been evor since ifc vras taken j in hand by oar brother Whitnej. It is a little | emiiie 6ometimes, and \ve have to regret, that lt : is not inelined to correet ttie crrors of its wajB. A« for instanee, we pointed out Bome slips'in tbe ; aeeouni of the Koval trip to llilo, wiiieli unkiiul i people would eail ridiculou? ilunimerj ; and then : we spokc about a :t tire in the rear ? '* meauing i that our brothev above had said, and $ai<l to ; that a treaty of reeiprceitv lnxd been defeated in W ashington ou aeeount of the ** Ma«tor6 and j ServantB Aetof this eountry, and wouM be ; again defeated for thc,t?a»ie and as he ad- • vōcates reeiproeity we wanted him to gtate \m ; present opinion about thit> law ; and agaiu we i agked fbr information ahout ihe government ;to know why h has beon «• fbveed upon hls hand«, and he bad taken ii in hand to eustai« % as ! *aid, the honor of the eraft; aud then lurther« | more, we referred to hb firm belief thai Provi- ' denet- had heen d»reeting islaucU sihee the ' diseovery by Captaiii Oook» and in partieular ;during the past ten years aud that li had a ! brlght fut(ire in stoi ; e/* haviug ealhnl atteutk>n to this heeauee we fearol that the uukind people would thi>* a* humbu<s, aud partkularly ridiculouH on % aeeount d ! puttinp Providenee |n tbe neuter geuder, hut ' to /\ aml, all, and ev(2ry other partieular we ' in the ispirit ojf lair newspaper uigeussbu h«ve not a word o:t aeknowledi*eiuent, oi eon
etrierA+"*n f an J kind, but oar broth<*r gets jet and thinkb to hit ue> with a meao by askiog us what we kaow about Salt Lake ani ( its Salnts, . ; Our Shepherd $ayjs that he knew tc,Lūeth!i:c; ;ajbout Salt Lake ond te bainU some twe!ve year« . ago ; but he thinks t' iat our hroth» r ought to ;tettcr informcd, as h<j wa* there oi«!y some t?jree ; jcars ago, \yhen he met hin e<;u*in Partridge,'ono ( of brother wivet, who mu&t no diuht . give him, from timeJto tirue, lntcr rirwf» of I.i? jijelatives and brethrer|" in thobc partfe tliau lies in . qur po\\er. Say, br<|ther, how \vas Slf=ter Purt- . rjidge when you last heard from her ? VTe aro j Sjo busy with the that we have not hau j t|imc to write. brother, you have tou<?Jieu this subject, \velchallengeyA\i to tell ull you ;jtnow. ; ! M: : :