Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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I sr Billiarxl table fyr salc at t3ic Cerman CU*K ? in Emina etreet« H \ - * ' i- ■ ; j GT Tbirty more lepers per Ka/n i frūm KaLu- ! lu|i, Maui, and ten !eft|behind ia too rottcD a ct»n;dition to be trane!brabk. Tbis irigbtful K.\»urge {miiei be fbught witb well ucrvcd, unflincLing } heartB. -4-— | Prudext I)aughxer.-—Saliie, mj dear, whj did ī you nofc recognize Lleiit. Leeward? Wbj ma f ! did jou nofc eee Capt. j Cutwater nodding a<.r^bs J the waj? You would: nofc have me stop at ihe |\Vard Room whea I ;am mvited to the CaW j would you ? —k— j A Hotel P^omen'ade |CoN€£iiT will be given n<.)it jTl}uradaj eveniiig. l!he lbllowlng U the programme: 1* Pa»t I. Pcrichole Match,....... ! Cavatiua, Opera Lmda. Donizeui | " I'eo waiting tnj darllng for|thee.". .Eraas ! 11 A tale of happy WalU. Famst 1 | : p^n. ■ Mārch # Opera Ppr0pLet.............. .May<erb^tr . *' Rjemenibrance of Home,".. u % Hars*£r | %fc t|ore&motig tlie Roses." Scjliottische...,Coot« , M Tjhe Beauty of A.ihambra, n |Walu, (aew>,........... j ponH fail to be on hand. The evening6 are i noW fine, and the haleopiea will be full of jan| eompanj. The of muslc is eharming, j §£T thorough of ihe Pearl Hark ī j Laioon has been.efleetojJ bj oHkem of the C<aij/)r «V, Lieut. Cuttt, Ma*ter, Singer, und Mid(shij>man Wikon have J)een out *bout a week % eruiiBing with a eouple of bjau. and thej kn ' thd heightB aud th: s:>undiogs of everj jeqdat , <s rood, the charaeter of the bottom f ilie j diffleultfes of the bar, the eapacltj ot tho j m ihel, everj particular of that lugooj), as well as Hhetr own ward room. jWe ahall from the j Hjdrograplue Bureau , bj-and-bj, a map ar,d |rep|>rt» that will refleet jhonor on Admiral Pexieruise in the Arcbipelag.\ j ljloxEL Arriyau? sinck Marcu iMui.—Captala I Wm. TurnbuH, Vaneouver, W. T.; John S. Su4!derj Capt, Thos, J. Forbes, JWu A. Fa«- | kinhirs ; Eugeite Yauev)u\er , Juhn ' l vmxn, Capt. D.jK. bjui u ; { Jv* WooJ, Kohala; F. S, riuukett t Chas. CaA,ueji l\ 8. C*aJornia, Capt.,G. A, Suuitu jwifc mā child t bark y^uti*ns; J. R. Miieheli, jKav:*ihae ; W. M. Uibson f L&nai, J. 11. )'Firti»r % G<k>. 11. J. W. H, eamphell* x*\Ti\ Mrs, S<juibb, E. Eieeu, Sau Fraaei«4 ; John R. Kenned\, \\ife aud ehi!d t Chux» Cak.; A. Yau B!arvvm, aud wife t Xew jYork; Jule?* Kenard» Mellvurue ; M. Ikjtuaiv | eonJLondoa; Mr. an*l Ct. R. JohnskU, E, >B ijargiUj Mis* OrbcLl, Xe« Zeixr Uud » \Y. S ; Blait k thieft£o » James l>, ILlme*,, Dudedhu Yaldemar WaLiuea, K,.u;a;, [Chak Mwr ? X. 2