Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]
Along the Wharves.
{ Whale barks Il!inois and Kautilus arc dischargmg oil at t-he fui*ther end of tho Esplanade, I and the Java is moored at the end of Fort Street. ī Sehoonera Jemiy aiid Ilattie are readj fbr freight at the Eeplanaeie aod will siulfor ther pcu'ts to day. Schooner Manuokawai at the Eeplanade 'front, sails to-day for Kona. Steamer Dakota at her wharf, a\vaits the arrival of the Oalifomia mail. Barkentine Jane A. Falkenburg is recelving freiglit at wharf for PonlaiuL Whaling sel)ooner Kamaile Is fitting at Xibbe£i> & Soi , en6on'fi wharf, to eail to-morrow ou her crii:?c. is Britifeh hark Lightibot, lics t>ieru Tib* bete & Sōrensotris %vharf, a\vuitiiig ordert% Behooner Pauahi lme haaled away fram the wharf, and wtth the Moi Keiki» brigs Moming Stnr «nd o nw;u\!, and burk Edwin are awaiutig ' S,. I j The schooncr Oiovani Apiani reStting, io \mil again «bortly. | Mary Elleu» ; at Kobinsouy I w!!I gail this aftoruōou lor Kohala. | Sehooner Odd Fellow $t the &pluuKvle froQt, 118 readv for fretght, uud will sail tlus afteruoon ;fer Hifb. . .. ~ | Ladies 4 —Mr. Eoole ofiejrs, at Cleghorn & Co»*§ Fort ltreet t?toie» 6ome ekjieo new gvKKli. Ile k deteriiiined to offer barg:\inji, and ??ure to pleaae vou !