Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TIME-TABLE OF TH Ah April 10ili .! Circuit of Kniinf ! ApriS 21 «t . Kotift 1 Aplif 28i»t,,,...Circuit of llawnft 1 jrr N'' i it for Mt- v. Tickets a* the Office <4 e-w&w n or n • 3AMUKL 0. Wli.Dfcii, * | FOE A TERWf OF YEARS ! AS&fr THE PRESENT RESIDENC E OF tbo sif;!.--.-! sitajitc )in lulu, at th* vf i FuiiL'hlfOwi i g "lit; aiid t>ii*.e-k-urt!l. ! acres • of Uiui, p »i Ujf i-i«tijt~d ntth F»»it hml Flowjtfring Shrubs, the bhlaucc|in pasturage *u£Eici?ijt M two |iom*3. t Tht? Land has a frontage on tie sea l/each, feeing th? tnh '\DC--t to til ous There is on the premises a attached. m e harbor, of two liuiidred and slxtv-ihnre- ft-.-:. ; PACIOI S ANT? COMMODID WELLING HOUSE, syx6o feci with all tvuvtruWactS tyauU rooms ? Stable., and Carriopr- II .ur*. is both a city and sea side r^sU^ce. only requires to be seen to be appreciate L COMB AND SEE, For terms apply on thje premises of ilh TROS. LONGTHE HAWAIIAN HOTEL! ,R is m&i zriin* A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR, r PIII6 lias become the mast popular institution of X , this city. It is the cue, which recommends us ; to the favorable consideration ot' strangers. Everyone who arrives in Honolulu indulges in ul expression of surprise find so large, so elegant, | such jfc well appointed Hotel, It cost a | sura, but it is well worth the money. The chicf j projectors and promoters of the building wer* blafned for having creeled such an extravagantly luge edihoe ; but beibrejayoar has expired since u was opened it is frequently found to be too small tc j accommodate its throng of the proprietor is aboat to erect four adjacent villages to nxxi the demand upon his hosmtality. ! ifraTelers from all p*rts of the wo ltd who are now brought here iu comfort, by the commodious steamships of the Australian line, say unanimously tiuu is no house of public entertainment on tie Pabitio coast, or iu the British Colonies which stjrj passes iu poiut of comfort and elegance the new i Hotel i Tho building is lighted with g*s, The Pining Rv\kn is a spacious ucblehall, and can seat 200 at table. The parlor is furnished tery luxuriously, and has a superior tonpd pkno for the emetuiitI iuei\t of guests. There is a Billiard Saloon provided Z[*T ttaKe & to/s iNitcut cushion ulles, The Bed-rooms are all tarnished with spring mattretises, and u&'cfut sets of furniture, with cold aui warm, and shower baths j attached, * There 4ro no extra charges for conveyance of guests between stealer and Hotel in coining a*d i going; and no extra dr*rge for reuional of ! or other extra *errce 1 Day, $3,00; I CKigej* pei Mouth, $00 00