Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AT THE CORNER STORE WILL 1»E FOUND A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear! .RECEIVED r\ IvA MOI ANU l». « . All/I tit AY. tTNMSRSMRTS AND DUAWKIIS, ALL GRAPES. J Neck Ties, Socks and J?uspen<ierB, superior to any j in the country, a flue Hue of Gentlemen's Clothing, i i A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes! i White Liuen Suits, White Ball Vests, Gloves, j A fine assortment of Hemmed 'Handkerchiefs, both white and colored border, A fine new lot of White Socks, something new, I . | -4L Hpleiiaid I,ot oi 3Teelc Pearls : I Umlneilas in Silk, Italian, Cloth, Alp&cca and Cotton j i A few targe ttie vvhakboue Umbrellas, * \ GOLl> AND PLATEi> SLKKVK J$U TTQ NS, AMBER 5 Sleeve Buttons, Bone and Itorv Sleeve Button-, A i\W LOT OF PANAMA HATS* STRAW HATS, i ) C.m Hu j _ Shirts of superior quality, | from 13 to 20 inches neck ; shirts from S6 to £1 inched * j BooU and Shoes from >>V o to 12 , Trunks, Valises sod | Carpel l»ug*, AXl>' Lt}iHx*& JPEIUH'MES, I B#nps k all H»!r Otis, Everything in Brushy, it\!u\\ ih* tv>( Shoe Bruiti m u»wn. tferfciuit in Sivk*. IN FACT KYKRYTUtXG Ul\ £01XIV IN ALL WELL AI*Pi>iNTKP FUaj\i- U\<i GuOM j C»lt and Exam too, no Trouble to Slion Goods' M. McINERNY