Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Back Number of the Nuhou [ARTICLE]

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Back Number of the Nuhou

Can be got at 'nimiu'». | Yuu ean get fal! ] IQumbkrB, from the Crst t<!> thc tliīrteentl>, lettcSv !to ua&il one dol!ar. eannol eend t-j »* | fnend a more varied and ijnteiesting col!eetion of I iBland| news t!)an what is ciaitaiiied ln IheNuwoi ! Stranger, if you want a real iueide view of I thingi liere. and no hum!bug, take thc Nulioi ! with jfou. The editors life on theīr own wool ! and niutton, have no office|, and no printing job*, j and have nob*qy to fiatter and !iv i iiey ? fugle'but their Bweethea|rt6, and would as licf ! tell iie trut!i as not, W|e want eome more eur - j scribdrs, bccause we want| a bigger audieoce, ab ! we are going to tell eome things by-and-by th? L j wiil sbare you. Lookout |fbr the 15ttl© Bantaui . ! cock-a-doodle-doo f Go tcf Thruni's with a |in your pocket, You dock four drinke—that"i all." I •