Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Phranology. [ARTICLE]

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j Mi\ Hiii'B iecture laet Friday evetimg 111 tbe j eehooi voom of the Fort Screet Church on Sigas | and Mamiestatioi)s of Characteiy' wae, ih fact, a | icctuvc on phrcnologj. He gavc ub a highlj iuj terest-ing diiscourec upou tlus tmbjcct. lle brought j ibrward thc weil kuowu theory of Gail aud Surzi iieim in respect to thc coafbrmatiou of thc Bkull i to tho development of the braiu f and Lavater*s j theory of eorrespondeftee betwecu the varietle6 of | animal life and human character. Sdme of hig | iilu6tnvtionB \vere auiubing, and he entertained j hie company very well, The bump of amative- ; ness being ioca(cd on the back of tho head— ; ladies who have tiiis buihp very large are mclmed ! to throw the head backwarde iu gtving proofs of ; afiection. Our Btiepher<l suyB that he hus known ! them to lose their hats in giviug these proo!t?, tto him or somebodv e!so, we don't know wiuea. * a "l * 1 Lavjffc noses were endoreed \vithn high pauegyric, ! whieh greatly pleased some of our editovial 6tftfT; | although we wot of big noses that miglitbe better ! men thau wlmt t!iey are, A big moutb too wae | as a big thing in the way of character , ! and if habitually o[>en, waa iudicativc of u 1 candid eharaeter» and not ae we had t|uppo6ed» ! the evidence of a ecrew beiiig !oose li\ tbe bacl> I bone. Thvee geiitlemen eubmitted thcir bea*2« lor ? esanii«atibn, and as thejatl reecived pretty good !eharaetere, no doubt a little KtUi tbaii tl?cy I pected, tbey were quite wel! pka^d. Mr, Ilill oertainly entei:taiued ht« £udienoe, Ivcv. 0. Damon moved a|voteof \vhieli i \%ab warmly aeearded by the audicuee. Sotue agreeablo by amateuv?>. one or two pleu&uU young v/kc v s tvvku\i te the pleaenrc of the oeeai-iou 1