Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 ʻApelila 1873 — Austrahan News. [ARTICLE]
Austrahan News.
the arrival of the Dakota f 17 days from; Auckland, we have files of Colonial papere, b.ut| nothing later than the 3d of Mareh } froiu Mel-I boume, and the 19th from Auekland, : 1 i i r Ehe illustrated papere aro very interebting, \ j We notiee in the llhistr<Ued Sydmy Xeivs t anei j New South Wales AgrimUurist Gmzi€r i of Feb-j runry Isth, a most excellent portiait oi' the latej King Kq,mehameha V. lt gives HiB. Majestjr*sj. exaet expressionj as he appeared in luB last veārs, v But the biography is a little bit old faBhioned— j epeaking of Mowee, Woahoo and Kaukeaulii, A : splendid litliograpli of a " Flood in New Southj j Waleaand in January 18th ninuber, of aj j " Corrobpree, , ' whieh is quite a eurio6itv. Thej | artielee in these papers on eugar, anel the most | j protitable kind of wool fbr New South Walee, ] j and u Merino va. LeiceBter 11 are very valuable,! j and we will refer to thcm again. The Sjdnej| IMail is quite a book of 32 pages, The illuetra-1 tion of" Australian Bottle Tree" is i'ntereBting. • | Mr. Yogel is twitted by the %dney līcraīd onj account of the failure o!" the Webb «kibeidy. It ■ Bays that New Zealand wanted to go ft a-lone, and ! try a hai)d ,independenee in a eoiall way, but j j she has paid rather dear for the Webb whistle« ] The Ne\Vcastie strike ie all settled ; and.tbey.are] getting out more eoal than ever. Fijl pays a poll' tax of $250,000 eoual to half the value of herj | crop of eotton. l j The inter Colonia3 Conferenee at Sydnej, broke |up rather inharmoniously; and ehowe that t!ie j ColonistB havc to get vid of a good deal of jcal- | ouey and narrow mindednesß heloi e they eau j combine to fbnn the grand Con{ederated Ooeanie { Empire,