Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Potatoes, [ARTICLE]

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V\'halc,rB \vaīit Ihow ; and it i? too luul thai thoy cau'fc get theiu, Our ialaiul whiie jx>tatoes ai\» the bēst known for f!avov ; hut to lbr quatitic6. Coast potatoes, will rot in a fe\v whilst our Idand pota- j toes will keep the round trip, TVhalevs ought to! gct all they want heve, but they The ka- ■ nakas at Kawaihae, and on Maui, and Lanaij eometiuies raise plenty a but merehante will iui- 1 port an overstock of tubere froui the and | the ielaiul produeers get Euco\irage| t!io houie produeer as mueh as you <i\u; even j lobo a little you will make it up in the j end, The while or potatoes is e4xsily eulti- ■ vated in proper loealities in thesc islands. In, the iuobt ravinea at an elevatii>n of about ieet, the kauaka n\ereiy puuehea a liole with u j Ktīck a\uoug tiie brueth. and forn«. Xoj broakinj» up, eleanin»* otl\ or hoein<* ; and the rah)es £iow twi3 \ l tbirty m a hill,nieotme pwee; tlivovcd } u tbat will keep at'm ni