Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Providence. [ARTICLE]

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ihe org«n t<f Al{ S»iinta sjK'akotli ik". oser- ; >vjiseljf, l>ut i a tln<s i*iso . ' '* \V« firiuly K'liew , |liat rroviJ<!iKV liii6| overrulc\i tle dest;uies 01" t Hawaii nei froui the tLat Cdptaia C«xk disj»veicd this group in 1770—that /,< has diwtevl j'ic cvcntß or tho p\ct tou jcars, uud that I: Lus . !n store a l>ng])t luture for our suiall but iuiei- ' estitig 1 ![ Indeed, bn.>ther, w ! ia t was r lo vi4a;.v «o«n g beTiw Cu r un n ; Cook «uie bere? hke R<\al of wLom sptike, \vl:o . tnre dki F ursuo andl jomnej aud S :ecp in , i;.cr pds. tUlthe great'iia>ig!*u.r eaiue to shoW 1: ( iht> waj to these MijiteJ wks? Aud did ij du - '\Acr them iu 1770, j>nd Caj'lHĪn Cjok !"s ;}>r hovr WUB i;? fid /; kuo* nethiug thrtt Vgus Spauis!i of Gacu>;;.! I \nd frhat ha« l: !|ceu «i-.nVfi •• > |l » ! s 4 "• iu x,.C I st ,cn >•*«*• wote;Uu«w iu » <lwaĀ : ol

T nr "^'rr > Hr-'T~ —— "*»» the īkine and 'a 1 jalf decatles Binee It has bcen | Ovcrruling? What ig tho particular bleßsing? Is it the reign of Kameliaineha V. of : —bleseed memory, who,\vould have eeen thee—blessed firet before he would havc glven thee an offiee or a eihanee, a§ thee and ihine liavc now to makea; dollar or two out of the public treaßurj? Or isj ib the Bpread of leprosy and the lose of over tcn | thousand people? 0r is it the rule of thy quondam i'oea, the late " irresponßible _ministry ? M 0r i8 it the spendlng ōt thirty thoueand doilars on rec!procity? 0r ia ie the establishment and «übsequent eelling ont of the *' Independent Press " on eueh good ternis? Oh, brother, what is it? Our heart pante th like the hart after the . water boya in shipping times to find out this j thing. The Nuhou knoweUi a great dealj at| least it thinks it do, but it knoweth not nor hath t it ontered into .its Kuiiou heart to conceive the| particular meix?y t whieh thy Providence has been i doing and directing in t!ie paet ten years for, " Hawaii nei," tnore than in any other ten years, Hawaii says nay, i Oh, brother, we have been waiting and watch- | ing on thesacred soil of Lanai, during all of that period ōf alleged benediction, for some particular good thing to turn np in these isles t and it hasj not turned. It has not at least eome our turn to make anything out of this 14 amāll but interestingpeople," The S]ieplierd hath sat in his tent door and listened to the bleat of t!ie lambs and| tho wail ol the-dying people, and then he hath; conned the words of other shepherds of these! isles ; and hehathconsidered thisthingin hisheart, j that in Hawaii nei is the power of eant, ■ whieh can't be beat outeide of these eannibal| isles, | VVe humbly trust in the T>ivine Father, who Jias watehed with an All Seeing Eye these isles j the offsprmg of fire, since the first eone or peak | of Hawaiian earth reared its head above old| Oeean'6 crest, and who has overruled them since | the firsc red child eame from we know not whenee, and eoming here more thousafid?s of: Tears ngo tlian we blind gropers ean wot of; but we do not trust or believe in thy brother, who has only been buey 111 the past ten years, ai;d whot?e moet pnrticular blessing is a | bnght future h\ Btore, ?:> We believe in one| fchafc has a prosenfc ahvays in hand, whieh senu-; eth down rain and biessitig during all time, alike | upon the just and the iuyust, upon the Nuhou ■ aud the organ of ? AH §aints.