Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 4 April 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
f A Rare Chancb. —Among tlie adYerii&emenfe j we |iote a Fountain of SeYre*B Chuia for eale. jis ooe brought from Paria and is £upposed to be epeeimen, _L_ ; : . vould eall attentioo to tlc eale of hou6ehoid furniture # ie|. f to-daj in Nuuanu valleyjand to tbe faet omnilue will j leate E. O, Hall & corner fbr the salc at lbr the Convejan|ie of passengew iree of charge. —J—. Mass Meeting.—Thete was a mass meeting of natives he!d oo Mondaj|.at Kaumakapili Church» fco dieeuss the leper <£uestion. The attendan<?c wai verj great, ae the subjeet is Qne in whieh the nativeB have a vital interest. There was free aud ien|thj butj from want of a leading ī miuvl to eoneenuate opinion no result was to and conslderabie eonfusiQn arose. ! : - | Accidents.—' We regpet to learn that a little child of Mr. S. Hoth was severelj sealded on tfye hea!d and face, the other daj, bj pulling over a of ehoeolate on itself from the table, and aa j aid was summoned fbr the llttle suiFerer, andther ehlid was broiight home \vitli hia faee badlv cut, and several ieelh knoekcd out bj tlie kieie of a horsCj baving wandered off with a few plajmates to Punelihowl» wlieie thej \vere amusing| themselves ehasing anima!s. | \ aluable CARGOES.-4-Thc bark Kal «*, whieli |saiipd on Wcdnesdaj last fbr San Franeiseo, uxfk I awaj the most valuable cargo bf domesde prp* ] that has left this port. There have been jlarger cargoes sent to jEurope, but with fbreign I produce predominating. The neart*£ to the whieh foots $91,951.15, wae the steiMuer hiaho in Februarj, 1869, whieh. auiouated to $71,461,11, and ttye nest waa the Bteamer in April, 1566, amounted to $Tl r 1 019.72. . —u™ | ! The Rand will plaj ou Saturdaj afteriK\)n in Kmiua Square at o o eloek, wheu the talented Botger and his men will o2er a eholee selecticn of fhvonte musie for |tlie entertainuieni of the pullie. Following is the progrumme . ! |I i i ■ Ao|Man( Bemr | Wim Ch\>ru*, Op*ei4 T&uuliaeuser \Vnracr Uie v4aAdcilk t Ojfenh*ch "God ia Mercx, |lfcai%iie, Oper* Orj>heus Offbub*ch j sjjp The sehoouer Ka *Mei paxu\i hcr 6Lcui lipe .ab jfcbv. was swiu£iu£ from Brewcr % s wharf en j Weduosdaj last, and havit\g her foresail hoisted, jforgod ovcr aud n\u afoui of the Jaxc .1, cloaring whieh, nui iuto the I wh|art\ aud haa there left her mark. She wxus i hnnl<vl off wlthout mue?i iii]urj, and pee j on !ier trip J : -v:|