Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 4 ʻApelila 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Along the Wharves.

j Whale barks lilinoia and NauUlue are discharging oil at the further end of the EsplaDade, and the Java is moorecl at the end of Fort Street. Steaiaer Kilauea lies at her berth> and will leave this afternoon for Nawiliwili. Schooner Nettie Merrill takes berth at Brewer & C0. ? 6 wharf, and will leave to-morrow for Lahaina. iiavkentine Jane A. Falkenburg is reeeiving freight at Kohmeon'e wluuT for Portland. Whaling sehooner Kamaile is fitting at Tibbets. & Sorenßon's wharf. j British barF Lightfoot, liee etern on at Tibj bets "&■ fek>renson ? e wharf, awaiting ordens. j Sehooner Pauahi hae hauled away from the |wharf, and with the Moi Keiki, brigs Morning J Star and Onwardj and bark are awaltilig ordere. The 6ehooner Giovain Apiani ia refitting. Sehooner Waiola oceupies a berth at Brewev eo.'ewhai-L I Sehooner Rob Roj is at the old ieej houee wharf.

Don*t lbrget Mr, leeture tUIs eveuing» in the Room of tbe Forfc Street Chureh. Aleo masie (or tlie beneflt of the TemCause, TTe hoj>e that a ero\vded room will greet this gentlenvan.

j WuAi llannau Sailkt~ 1< I vti\6 to ask you # Hannah, whetlier it really tvue or uot 4 that yoa were engaged to jōMng Spoons*. I &vid Fd a&k yoa the very next iinie I eeen yoa, I told Bets}, that I āklni know myeeir wliethcr It \vas trae or not. >Vhat I eay to her when I see M >'ou teli Bet<y/* waa.the replj of.the | prett_y Uttle girl,that you dld aeli Ilannah , and jthal she tola you, it \v;\H none or jour ?>ueinesa : wheVher it vfns true or not