Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 4 ʻApelila 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1873. Bubiness continuos quiet, and althougli the Aueiion Rooms up their regular sales 5 their result also plainly lnc!ieate the times ( 'and are anything but satisfactory to consignors. HouaehoUl furniture, sales by Aueiioii, will be the ruling feature for ihe balance of the week. Bark Kah sailed yesterday for San rranc*nsco, willi the larg<e»t cargo of domestic produce tluit has ever left this port—for particulari9 see export table. Tlie next largest was by the lāaho ia February , 1809, when alie took over a cargo valued af $71,461.11. We give below our table of exports for last rnonth, whieh was crowded out of our last issue. It shows an improveraeat over laBt month's exports ol over and alsoan improvement on last year's exports for the same monlh of $29,209.16. The expoffs for the quarter will be published shortīy» and wlli oompare favorjibly vvith last year ? «, The UUnois eame into port on Tuesday to land her oil tor »hipntent home, and to-day the JS r autilus aud Java 24 have arrived in port, and the is laying oft-aud-on. Barkentme Jane A, Fatkenbur<j has eomn)>nced to load for Portland. Steamer Dakota is now due from Auckland, but of the stcamer from Ban Francisco our commuuily reuiains in perplexing ignorānce. «SUM.MAKY OF EXPORTS FOR MA.RCH, 1873. DATE. j . ] B:ESTINAT£ON r . :DOM, PRO.jFOB. PKO. Maf. 12'Lunalilo ...... !«tarbuck Isiand;s 273 u's 692 62 121 Ka M0i....... 1 San Fraucisco. 5 66,393 00; 250 00 .... 18,223 92 37 44 . ls!Moses Taylor. Francisco. ; 5,550 §S 54 00 20ĪD. C. Murray.! " ! 44,930 41 ;4,907 16 3l;C* M. >Vard.JGuauo Islands.| .547 131 601 75 * $135,918 13] $6 442 97 rmrj —rr • -rrrrīfr t t\ niiiMiirniiiiii 11 ir ii iiiiii i«ri tt —ir~rrr-f—rrr~iiīq-mingfiiīiMhī nr — r 11.