Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 4 ʻApelila 1873 — A Woolen Factory. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Woolen Factory.

w hy doirt Bomebody try to 6tart otic? liio GovorDment ofiers a l)ouaty, and a water privilcge, aud «ow let us eee wUul could be doue. We Bold laet jear 288,520 pouude of wool ibr $10,104; and we dare it ean be J)ought this jear for the Banie, or less. We paj. for iuiported woolen goods at au euormous rate pcr ]H)und. Thiuk of fiue broadelothe, and Bedford goodt?, eosiiug j)erha]>6 $3 to $4 ]x>und ; but we wili not eotmder thew; onl,y hlankeia, ehine, and plain woolen*?, of whieh we ini]Wt largel>% atid they eo«?t iuore than an average of one dollar jH)und, eo that if we reiui]>ort our wool» we \\iy at leaat t?ix or ??even t the aaiount lbr,

'j •wlneli we buI(1 ifc. We sell it lbr $40,000; but ,-we buy it back, say half the bulk, afti-r beirig J cleansed anei manufactured fur about $142 } 000 f | or saj vrc pay £96,000 for manuracture aud exj penseg abroad, This largc eum, or aa amuuLil ; proportioned tu our Importation could be sa¥cd bj j starting a woolen miil, We have pienty of eheap j wool, plcnty of gopd water power on thia it?hnd, j and thq right sort of labor for factoiy \soik. j Natives, men and women, wouid delight in it, j.and make excellent and eheap factory hands. Let | us have & woolen factory.