Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 4 ʻApelila 1873 — OUr Shepherd [ARTICLE]
O U r Shepherd
llas becn ahscnt for a few dajs to vibit his lloeke, and look' after liie shcarcrs f like Abraliani of old. lle Tvas grected onhisway with pleaeani words on account of bringing with liim so mueh Nuiiou. Ile waīs even ahead of the regiilar Nmiou, because owiug to the enterprise of our printers he was enabled to ehow to sojourncrs to windward ali of the foreign news per $anhom, and the Nuiiou iteclf ahead of tiiiie. Qur Shepherd reports thc country under his ob»crvatiou as moBt lovcly. Thc vallcjs grcen and Bmiling, the sheep fat and coutcnted, and quite willing iu view of thc incoming warm! wcather to part with their licavy 3eeces toac- | commodate the wishcs ofan admirhi£ wooMovins:! Q ' O puhlie. Owingfo thc good pasture, thc staple isj long and strong, and it is to be regretted that we have not some : 6piiidlcs aml looms at work to \ make our own woolen shirts, l>lankets, aud peajacket*. In thus re-visiting the country we get fresh inspinitiou m respect to thc l*eeourees of thc! land ? and we hope to increase the iiveliness of tfe Nuhou b,y this home trlp of ourShcpherd t | : ■■— —— i