Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 4 ʻApelila 1873 — Grazing [ARTICLE]
I)0C8 not eouud 60 big afl planting, but it is uot a' buBiness to be usbauied yf, and eau ehpw perJiapa; a more 6fttiBfactorj balance sbcct than plautiDg. s Tbe Talue in tiūs port of the esport of thc two industrk>B, was for lu6t year, as follows : Si'K»r. tm,iH Oruui£ i'imlm e 220,630 According to thie e!iowing j;riuiiig proi.lucQ is npparcntty wortb imly to llie couutry a triflo ovcr! ono fourth tho value of eugar. But etop a bit.' Thc plant of thesugar intcrest lcavingoutlatu! aud! thc cost of labor w worth iuorc than a uiillion of J <lollar6; whcmve tbo plaut of etructures and ma-! chinery <»f thc gnuing intere6t ie a!most uil. The j niiicbiiwiy i* ru6ting aud wcarin£ out, aud j
the interest on thc heavy inv€Btmeßt is yliting ■ yoar BubBtance n!gbtand day ; whereas the gra-' zierB'B intereßt, —his ealves and lambs are grow- \ ing nigbfe and day, You may deduct from tbe| grazier's figures three-fourtbs for profit, or eay ' $150,000 ; but you are not sure the gugar pro- ; duct furnishes to the aggregate of ownerB one! doilar of eurpluo. I Now it is the surplue that , and a eontented land. OTiy indußtry ! that paya ite way, and bas no worry of debt is ; the best for the peaee of the country. A hea?y j debit on aceount at a beavy rate of interest makes a man ieel revolutionary. He wants sometliing to \ tum up, that wiil etart epeeuialiom, and give bim ] a ehanee to get rid of his load, llenee it w'ill not do giye to mueh beed to men wbo are groan-1 ing under loads. Ydu must not think the whole » \ . I country is isick beeauee they groan. You don't l hear the graziers groan, therefbre you must eoeh clude that grazing i* a healthy bu6ineß6. But we ! know the valuc of Judicious planting } and do not! disparage itB paramount importancc. ] Grazing produce exported in. 1872. _ ; VALUE IN HOKOLUH-, ] Hldes, 27,066 pcs. at $ 4 00. .$108,264 00 ' Wool lfes ...... 16............ #6,t64 16 ' Tallow 493,9TS lb«. 6* 32,108 57 1 Goatskins,; 53,598 pc5....... jfQ 26.899 00 ] Beef, 420 bbls. 10 00..... 4/200 00 ! Oattlc, 82 heads...2o 00 1,640 00 1 €alfskius, 629 pc5.......... 1 IK) 824 00' Sheepsldi-m, 2488 pcs 121-........... 311 00 Horses t 3 heads ....... 50 00. 160 00 Shecp, 30 .........., 2 00............ 60 00 Xoßgucs, 3 bb!s 10 00............ 30 00 $220»350 73 Thisia the offieial account, but you nmet add to īt the supply of t?bipB-of-w;ir, "Bteamt>hi p*, nnd otber YC6BelB in port, wortli at least $10,000, and if you reckon up the meat, team, and dairy eupply of thc country, you must add imniensely to the eredit of grazing.