Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 1 ʻApelila 1873 — The French Concert. [ARTICLE]
The French Concert.
In behalf' of euilbrers by floods in France. hcld ' last Friday.evenii3g at llie Royal līawaiian Theatre was a deli-ght and a tnumph in everj particular. Thc pretty little eeenie cffeet waa a ehai-m to begin with, tlie taBtefullj arrangcd tropic' s#rub!iery, the elcgaut candelabra, the ' tricolor drapevy, thc euiiuiu with itß masomc| garland, and tho entire little bijou of a prosce- I llium \vlth its \ig\it, bxngVitness and taetc, im- ] partcd a sparkle of pleaeui'e to everj one of the >vcll-dressed and cultivatcd audience whieh paekcd the little theatrc to the utmbst of its capacitj, so that there was a most favorablc predispoßition to acccpt with the utmost kindtiCBs thc performof our amateurs : But we must say, tliat they extorted an ovation of applauee, such ae ! onlv accomplished artiets could clicit {rom a eom-1 immity that pridcs itgclf, and justly too, upon | eoiiie muBical culture, taete and discrimination. ; The opening overture of the Barber of ScYillc j was rendercd on thc violin with an exquisitely I delicatc touch by Mr. Pcrnet. The rich eonorous baritbne voice of'Mr. Lc Monnyer wltli ite trem-! olato cadenceB producod a finc efiect m thc Decla-1 ration of la;Grande Ducl)eß6e; and Mr. Fenard; cshibited his cai i eful musical eultivatbn iu thc! rendering of Lueia di Lammermoor. But ihe! audience had notgot fairly warmed till Mr. llofr charmed all ears and hearte with his 4 tender,; Bympathctic voice in ginging Olapie&on'e eweet \ romance of M My eoul to God and my heart to 1 thec," in the Frenc!i. Ilie clcar articulation and j perfect acccntuation of the language mmi have ! been a delight to Frene!i mumoal ears; and as it I was, it produced thinidet€ of applauee and a! hearty encore froiu hie Anglo-Hawaiian audlcnce, I Thc well pleased compauy were now disposcd ■ lo givo a most kind!y woleomo to Mastcr MoLean, j thc boy violinist. With modest and firm de-! mcanor the young artist handlcd his mstrument' with grace and ease. This iustrumcut f an old! registered Cremo!ia, had been in the hande of an ; aneestor inore than a hundred year6 ago, and had ! in the h;inds of the noted Neal Ooug!i j
|ifcB boforc MacCaJ!uin More Argyle \ an<! j inow its sweet, clear, loud tooes eharmed rajjt j | listeneps away in these Pacific isies. Theboj's ; S handling was mastcr]j and hie iiotes were perfcct,' ' and if there was a want of Aoieh, whieh cnlture - ' muet give, yet hiB'porformance wae dcllghtful to' 'our 'iyiiipathctic car t s, so full of tcnder memories; !of thosc Bweet voiccb pf Au]d Lang Syne," that* soothcd tis wiih 4< My llighland Lad M and 44 Tlie' j Lnst Ro£c of Summer/* m that our very heart | was full;of teare f . ; The little haby McLean } fbr we must eall him ; so, as he hardly secmed as he stood up in his tartans, a hit longer than his fiddle, and he is only j four years .old, accompanied his _hrothcr very sweetly in ££ Bluc Bells," and, when cncored, in j thc u Stur Spangled Banner and God Save| the King; " and if he ixiade a trifling slip or two, i ifc is nofc to he wondered at ? fbr thc wonder is how ! the ehikl ean play and play so well, when the| little Hpgēre eannofc rcach across the strings of his instruuient. And ij!OW camet>ne of the especial triumphs of tbe evening, Ofienbach's icgend of Bīue Beard by | Mr. Le Monnyer.. This gentlemaiTB fine voiee produced the most startling efiects in this bu2b, pcrformance. H|s spirited, rollicking maimer in' discoursing with fine inueieal cfiect of thc scven hapless dames ho had disposed of, and his still happy condition;of widower, broughfc lbrth a 1 storm of applausc, bouquets, and a rousing en- ! |core. ! Again Mr. Pernct delighted us on thc violin [ witb his finished, delicate, and inastcrly renderI ing of aome of tho difficult and exquisitc uiuae' !ofdcßcriot. We fclt that wc were iistcniiw t-o: O 'j an accdmplishcd artist, whose bouquct of melody ■vvas the growtli of manj long jear> of cureful calturc. And;yct we think we miglit suggest an ! īristrumcnt oF » big!ior tone for a j>erforiiianee in a theatre or large publie liall. This eharniing execution was warmlj e?ieored. ! Now eame forward two Ilawaiian jouths, Ka-! i lua and Kamakaia, to wiu somc laurcls iu a duet with tho cornct a piston ; ; and thcj won them. Thcir performance on this diffieult wind iustruI mcnt was clear and flucut like a flute, with its |own rich, oxhilaratiug trumpet toues well rcn|dercd. Thej rcndcrcd Mendclsohu's difficult | music admirablj, and thcj charmcd us when enj cored with straius of Donizctti iu Xormu. Thej | won heartj applause, and reflected the highest j credit ui»u Prof. Bcrgcr, thoir instructor, wlio it ! n 1 »®": rcmembered accompanicd, with his woiH|ed ekill. the }xuformauces jf all thc amatcurs ; througliout the Concert. ■ Mr. Fenard displajed his inusicrtl studj in thc ! rcndering of I Lombardi, :uid he does well with |a voicc of limited compass'and flexibilitv. llc | was warmly encorcd iu this pcrformaucc. " ! Now anothcr triumph iov Mr. Le Mounjer in a | pastoral of Offenbach, in Orpheus thc shcpherd, ■ who diAnncd thc woods and bcasts and thc drtud god of thc inlenuil shad«. s , aud this Orplieus ocri tainlj chariued thc shcphcrd of Lauai. Hc, char'med all with his va\o .;ud elan iu thc mcrrj jchorus and with jf thc yodcl, whieh «*' j oft has charmcd our cars thc hills aud -lous of| Kuroi>e. Mr. IL>ff thci> ;;n,' us Al>t's «weel! ( Gorman song, Schlar \V«?hl, or •« Slcoj> I Thc galla«t Licuteuaut s jvo»cc was tcudcr ;mdj |s\\cct iu this as in thc 1 rcuch song, but we \vcrc ! , not so well satisiicd with ihe aiueulauou aud em- ( • he woakene a a liule as he Ju s ogtx\sscd| , hut lie dclij*htc'd tis hI! r, v \eithck\. ] 1 I 1
| littlcj n«>veUy iu the pub!ie |.ofcitl _īī | , iDanntr and C2prt«icii, ful j lowea by a little reaction, 1 I now eame the grjand and nuLil uiuiui.L, j Gounod a Avc Maria upon Eaeli",- prclude, fcung I by 3jr. Le Monnycr witlj an accoiiipaniiiient of j vlalifi, hamioninm uud p«iano l,y Pernci } I Atkijison and I3erger. was a gcm—a ma* terly eaeeuUun, hoth \\fcal and infjtrun,exitul. The Kweel, |..]eadiDg vrail of iikeiudy hiule, our hearte away from gross tccnce of eunh j Thc tnnlling intermiiigiij]g and byiaphuijvu£ aej c orJ of the softest breatljiijgfc uf iiicli>diuus lonee; i was & new delight to out earē. In -we j livcd agair the Bweet li|fc of our ha!eyon dayt-. jOh power uf melody ! Ofc wakencr of u.e yeum- | ing €qul ? Oh tune on fyreveriQore t and vtalt our i vrorr and weary eoule to ja &horc wheie tkc . Btrai ns of rcfrains ' ehall DCVtr, nc\cr uie | This was all plcahurc, and we cannut di- c crimbatc, V o icc and i|netruinents \vcrc all iu perfcict accord, and all d<[seiYcd ; the triumph they rcceivcd. Wc expcctcd |finc thinga of this Cv>uj cert»| but not eo niueh this. Ah, gcntlcmLL» j you bust not any longcr hidc your taknts in a j you must not ,confinc your deiight{al I skill| to u club or priyattpsoiree; jou haye°giveii j our jpublic a new iaspira|ion, ana jou must agMii | and again respor>d to au espcctatiou whieh jour j skill hae evokcd. ! Thie cffort of eong and| plaj wae for the bci;ciit of sorrowers bj thc rivereiucs in France, ar.d we I :,re statc that the accomplishe<l Comnj,> j siontr of Francc will havc thc pleasurc ; to forward for thc rclicf of aHpw of his t uficriu s trjacn, thc snug liiUe sum of about £350 as tht ( Det proceeds of this pleasant musical evenin S . ' j Mje noticcd in thc aiuditorium, in a ].rivatc i i > T °. s, i4J or Lmuu, aceoin|««uc4 W ( ll.s Exce!lcncj the Ch.,iKcllor, ilrs. Pratt anu j Peabodj; iu anothtjr hos, Gotcraot Oomiui» j aud dadj, ilrs. Cloghorii, aud other ladicb it j thc dre6s circlc, thc Awcrieau .Mini,ster W.ueiu. j tho acting British CouiuiĪsMoncr aud Mr> Da\ic.--, • Admiral and Mrs.|Fcmiock, Capt. Cator, a j argj> reprcsentation of ofiiccrs lroui ihe Cuāj ut tl .c j and the Scout, scveral cousular repre*eutatives, , and l thc crC,tuc &la crciuc of our 6ocictv. Thc . well| dresscd ladies looWl sp W ki;ng and charui- ■ |ng,,and m thc vcrj bcst, oWIU g U) aa tli , jhap|>j coneurreuccB of aciighU'ul eoni Cert i Wc havc Klsd a S r f at about this aflaii , be ft juec we fecl that .x-ietj i s Uhcd up out u f Ub . Fordidness, aud uniue kiudiior aud uo'olcr, aiu. j our socioty nced S to be uiadc kiuuhe;- aud iwMei jby such hiEuences. |